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HTTP-JSON Node Source

HTTP-JSON Node Source

Available in PagerDuty Process Automation Commercial products.

The HTTP-JSON Node Source will gather Node definitions from an HTTP endpoint.


  • Ability to specify authentication credentials to the endpoint.
  • Ability to specify custom headers on the request to the endpoint.
  • Ability to transform the JSON payload returned by the endpoint with a JQ expression.
  • Ability to add supplemental tags to all the nodes returned by the endpoint.


  • The configured endpoint must return a JSON payload.
  • The JSON should conform to the JSONopen in new window Rundeck nodes format. There is an option to transform other sources using a JQ Transform


  1. Specify the URL endpoint to hit.
  2. (Optional) Authorization Header If your endpoint requires authentication, either manually type in the value or select a Key Storage path that will be used for the Authorization header. Note: If your token needs a 'Bearer' prefix, you must add it manually.`
  3. (Optional) Supplemental Headers If your URL requires custom headers, add them here.

Note: If you manually add a Content-Type header it will be overridden by the plugin because the plugin requires an application/json response.

  1. (Optional) JQ Transform If your JSON payload needs to be transformed, add a JQ expression here. The transformed JSON should conform to the JSONopen in new window Nodes format. If you don't supply a JQ expression, the plugin will assume the JSON payload retrieved from the URL conforms to the proper format.
  2. (Optional) Supplemental Tags If you want to add tags to all the nodes returned by the endpoint, add them here as a comma separated list.


Use JQ Playgroundopen in new window to explore ways to convert your existing JSON into the expected Node format.