Release 3.4.7
Release 3.4.7
Name: "Papadum deepskyblue gift" Release Date: December, 10 2021
Important Security Update
The security patches in this release has been superseded by the 3.4.9 release. Please upgrade to that version.
Check out the new features and enhancements for Rundeck Enterprise and Rundeck Community included in this release.
Updated Vault Plugin
HashiCorp Vault continues to be a very popular way for users to manage secrets in Rundeck. The Vault plugin update in this release includes more logging and the ability to support authentication to a different namespace from where the passwords are stored. Find the updated documentation here.
Enterprise Updates
- Improve Hashicorp Vault plugin
- Fix: Enterprise System Config menu should be hidden without auth
- Bump spring version to provide security enhancements
Core Product Updates
- Node Filter Save Button
- Fix: Update log4j dependency
- Enh/UI updates
- Fix: Cannot edit job with basic orchestrator
- Fix: Project import was missing executions
- Fix Display bug with Project Settings
- MSSQL change fields to nvarchar on workflow_step
- Fix: Job Option default values bad parsing
- upgrade to pywinrm plugin 2.0.15
- Fix: Darkmode updates and fixes
- Add warning message if changing job scheduling on a cluster
- Fix: new Ace editor supports min/maxLines for auto sizing of editor
- Including runAtTime parameter on Run Job Later feature
- Bump to spring-security 5.2.0
- Allow absolute redirectUrl in pre-authenticated
Here is a link to the full list of public PRs
Community Contributors
- Sylvia van Os (TheLastProject)
- Nacho Barrientos (nbarrientos)
- Tim Haak (timhaak)
Staff Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- Imad Jafir (imad6639)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Rodrigo Navarro (ronaveva)
- Carlos Eduardo (carlosrfranco)
- Miguel Ramos (mishingo)
- Christopher McCarroll-Gilbert (chrismcg14)
- Jason Qualman (qualman)
- Alexander Abarca (alexander-variacode)
- Alberto Hormazabal Cespedes (ahormazabal)
- Leonel Juarez (L2JE)
- Forrest Evans (fdevans)