Project Dispatch Configuration
Project Dispatch Configuration
System Configuration Required
To use this feature, rundeck.feature.distributedAutomation.enabled
must be set to true
in System Configuration.
The Project Dispatch Configuration dictates project-level Runner behavior.
Runner Selection for Job Execution
The Runner Selection for Job Execution setting determines how Runners are selected to execute Jobs and target nodes within the project.
There are two options available for this configuration: Automatic and Manual.
Automatic Runner Selection
When Automatic is selected, the system will automatically select the Runners to use for Job execution based on the mapping of nodes to Runners as configured in the Node Dispatch.
With the Automatic setting, users do not select which Runner to use within the Job definition. Rather, Runners are automatically chosen for execution based on the node filter of the Runner's Node Dispatch configuration.
Runners are dynamically chosen for Job execution based on the Runner's Node Filter
Recommended Setting
The Automatic setting is recommended for most projects as it simplifies the Job creation process and ensures that the correct Runner is selected for the Job based on the nodes that are targeted.
In addition, the Automatic settings allows for targeting multiple environments in a single execution, as multiple Runners can be leveraged for targeting different subsets of the node inventory.
Manual Runner Selection
When Manual is selected, users must explicitly select the Runner to use within the Job definition. This is done by configuring Tags on Runners and then selecting a specific Tag or applying a Tag filter within the Job definition.
With the Manual setting, users are required to declare which Runner is used for Job execution. This can be useful when a specific Runner is required for a Job, but is not recommended for most use-cases.
Single Environment Targeting
When Manual is selected, only a single Runner will be selected for a given Job execution. This can be prohibitive when attempting to target multiple environments where those environments can only be accessed by using a Runner deployed in each environment.