Version 3.0.8
Version 3.0.8
Release 3.0.8
Date: 2018-10-29
Name: "jalapeño popper fuchsia flash"
Primarily bug fixes.
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- David Riseley
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos (carlosrfranco)
- gargrag
- gudeyang1
- miguelantonio
- root (invalid-email-address)
Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- akusei
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- docbyte86
- driseley
- drrb
- elijah-ward
- gargrag
- gschueler
- gudeyang1
- jessemarple
- jplassnibatt
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- miguelantonio
- sjrd218
- sumpfgottheit
- Add argString to log4j exec log templates
- Fix issue with List Plugins link in config menu
- Dynamic Properties enhancement
- Remove refresh of Execution state from database on Notification rundeck/rundeck#3961
- add env for LDAP auth in docker and fix Misspelled words
- Fix #4043.
- Fix groovy config file loading problem
- Add env variables for preauthenticated mode
- Can't use preauthenticated mode while running Docker images.
- Fix #247. Add ability to use job uuid in jobIdFilter when running reports.
- (search steps) Improved Organization of Node Steps / Workflow Steps
- Fix execution show page error when invalid parameter was set
- Adds loginDisclimer to login.gsp
- Fixing issue #4107, NPE running job reference jobs with secure option with default values
- A "disclaimer" box and config to get the Rundeck login UI
- Export plugin info
- Notification Plugin required properties not allowing project/framework defaults
- After upgrade to 3.0.7: Some jobs don't execute any longer
- Fix: problems with multiple key storage backend definitions
- Uncaught Error on job without commands
- Multiples key storage error
- Authentication fails when using groovy configuration file format
- No login possible, while using multiple authenication methods.
- Error 500 when new job doesn't have step.
- NotificationPlugin not receiving correct state for Job-Reference steps on fail or success
- Object store as a Rundeck plugin
- Slack Notification Plugin required properties not allowing project/framework defaults
- Include argList in the executions.log
- History listing from API wants ID instead of UUID