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Installing from Source

Installing from Source

Compiling Rundeck from source is an advanced and customizable approach that allows users to have full control over the installation and configuration process of this powerful workflow automation platform. By compiling Rundeck from its source code, users gain the flexibility to tailor the installation to their specific requirements and leverage the latest features and updates directly from the development repository. Whether you're a developer looking to contribute to the project or an advanced user seeking a more hands-on deployment method, compiling Rundeck from source provides a deeper understanding of the platform's internals and empowers you to customize and optimize it for your specific use cases. In this guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of compiling Rundeck from source, ensuring you have the necessary tools, dependencies, and knowledge to successfully build and deploy a personalized instance of Rundeck.

Installing from Source

Checkout the sources from GitHubopen in new window

You can build either the executable war (self-running archive), or a RPM/Deb.

./gradlew build

Creates artifacts:

  • rundeckapp/build/libs/rundeck-X.Y.war

Build the RPM (requires rpm command):

make rpm

Build the DEB (requires dpkg command):

make deb

To build clean:

make clean


The documentation is in a separate repo: in new window.

Once you check out the documentation source, documentation can be built using: make.

Documentation build requires pandocopen in new window and groovyopen in new window.