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Using MySQL as a database backend

Using MySQL as a database backend


MySQL 5.6 is now End of Life. Rundeck will offer limited support on that version. The current recommendation is MySQL 8 for long term support.

Install MySQL

Install MySQL using the installation guides hereopen in new window

Configure MySQL

After install, run the mysql_secure_installation scriptopen in new window. This will prompt to set the root password for mysql, as well as disable anonymous access.

Set an appropriate innodb_buffer_pool_sizeopen in new window. MySQL, like many databases, manages its own page cache and the buffer pool size determines how much RAM it can use! Setting this to 80% of the system memory is the common wisdom for dedicated servers, maybe even higher if the server has more than 32G of RAM.

MySQL 8.0

This is the recommended version of MySQL for Rundeck.

MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 is in extended support but does not have the utf8mb4 as a default character set. Some parts of Rundeck will not work without this.

MySQL 5.6

MySQL 5.6 is End-of-Life and no longer fully supported as a backend. Rundeck strongly recommends upgrading in-use instances of MySQL 5.6.

Setup Rundeck Database

Next create a database and user access for the Rundeck server.

Use the 'mysql' command line tool to access the db as the root user:

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter the root password to connect. At the mysql> prompt, enter the following commands to create the rundeck database:

mysql> create database rundeck;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Next, create the MySQL user for the rundeck database:

mysql> create user 'rundeckuser'@'localhost' identified by 'rundeckpassword';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Then "grant" access to the new user, and specify the hostname the Rundeck server will connect from. if it is the same server, use "localhost".

mysql> grant ALL on rundeck.* to 'rundeckuser'@'localhost';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Exit the mysql prompt.

Test access (if it's from localhost) by running:

$ mysql -u rundeckuser -p

Verify the "rundeck" database is present using:

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| rundeck            |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Configuring Rundeck

To configure Rundeck to connect to this DB.

Locate and edit the to configure the datasource:

  • RPM/Debian location: /etc/rundeck/
  • Launcher location: $RDECK_BASE/server/config/


dataSource.driverClassName = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
dataSource.url = jdbc:mysql://myserver/rundeck?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false
dataSource.username = rundeckuser
dataSource.password = rundeckpassword

Start rundeck. If there is a startup error about database access, ensure that the hostname that the Mysql server sees from the client is the same one granted access in step X.

NB: myserver , rundeckuser and rundeckpassword should be match the environment and mysql configuration. When Rundeck & MySQL-server are installed on one server, myserver is localhost. When Rundeck & MySQL-server are on different servers, myserver should be IP address or hostname of server which installed MySQL-server.

NB: autoReconnect=true will fix a common problem where the Rundeck server's connection to Mysql is dropped after a period of inactivity, resulting in an error message: "Message: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost."

See more about configuring the Mysql JDBC Connector/J URLopen in new window.


This guide configures Rundeck to use the MariaDB Connector/J driveropen in new window. It is compatible with MySQL and has a more permissive, LGPL, license.

To use the Oracle MySQL driver download it and copy it to the $RDECK_BASE/server/lib for war launcher or in /var/lib/rundeck/lib (create it) for RPM and DEB installations.

The driver can be obtained from the MySQL Websiteopen in new window, or directly from Maven:

curl -L -o${MYSQLJ_VERS}/mysql-connector-java-${MYSQLJ_VERS}.jar

Amazon Aurora MySQL

Process Automation v4.8+ supports Amazon Aurora MySQL v5.7 with the mysql standard jdbc driver or in new window driver when regional/zone DR failover is required.

Additional Articles

Check out our Migrating to MySQL from H2 articleopen in new window in our Learning Section.