Intro to Setting up a New Server
Intro to Setting up a New Server
Installing a Rundeck server involves a series of crucial steps that must be executed with precision and attention to detail. When done correctly, it can provide organizations with a powerful platform to automate routine tasks, improve operational efficiency, and enhance collaboration between teams.
The following steps show you how to prepare the Server properly. These steps are also valid for PagerDuty Runbook Automation.
Step 1: Prepare the Server
Ensure that your server meets the minimum system requirements for Rundeck and keep all the server packages updated.
Step 2: Install Java
Rundeck requires Java JRE to run. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
For example, on Ubuntu, you can use sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
Step 3: Install Rundeck
Add the Rundeck repository to your package manager and install the latest Rundeck version depending on your operating system. For Windows-based servers, follow this.
Step 4: Set the right server URL for Rundeck server
Out of the box the Rundeck configurations set the grails.ServerURL
file) value to localhost
. To get access from another host, the grails.ServerURL
must be defined using the server IP address or domain name.
Step 5: Configure Rundeck against a database
By default, Rundeck includes a testing database (H2). However, this backend isn't recommended for production environments. Configure Rundeck to use an external database as the backend as a best practice.
Step 6: Start the Rundeck Server
To start the Rundeck service, for systemd based systems (like the most popular Linux distributions) you can use the service tool. On a war launcher based installation, you can use the rundeckd script. For Windows servers, set the process up as a service.
Step 7: Accessing Rundeck
To access Rundeck, open your favorite web browser and go to http://ip_or_domainname:4440
. The default admin user name is admin
(password: admin
Introduction to Rundeck
Startup and Shutdown Rundeck
Welcome Project tutorial