# Version 2.8.3
# Release 2.8.3
Date: 2017-06-30
Name: "cafe cubano orangered flash"
# Upgrading from 2.8.0
Important Note: please see the Upgrading Guide if you are using Mysql or H2 database, and are upgrading from Rundeck 2.8.0.
A DB schema change requires a manual fix before upgrading.
# Upgrading from Earlier versions
- See the Upgrading Guide
# Notes
This release is primarily bug fixes.
Some other changes:
- If a step has an Error Handler that is marked as "keepgoing on success", then Error level log output from the step is changed to Normal level
- Executions that were running when the Rundeck server was shutdown will be set to "Incomplete" when the server restarts.
- Some internal library versions were upgraded
# Contributors
- Alex Honor (ahonor)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Loïc Blot (nerzhul)
- Sean Reifschneider (linsomniac)
- jtobard
- ltamaster
# Bug Reporters
- arthurlogilab
- cr42
- flapp
- gschueler
- jtobard
- kmusard
- linsomniac
- ltamaster
- matthewsrogers
- nerzhul
- ronave
- schast
- shoelzle
- soar
- tomdeblende
- uralk
- willemdh
- zionio
# Issues
Milestone 2.8.3 (opens new window)
- Add documentation for unlimited max token expiration time if set to 0 (opens new window)
- single valued options with "selected=true" fetched from remote URL don't work (opens new window)
- 2.8: ACL policy causes exception for matching clause of a resource attribute that is not present (opens new window)
- single valued options with "selected=true" fetched from remote URL should not used on run again (opens new window)
- Framework ssh timeout value used for both connect and command max time (opens new window)
- Potential fix to #2538 (opens new window)
- Exception: property not found: framework.var.dir (opens new window)
- Exception when exporting archive without project_acl authorization (opens new window)
- Problem adding the first api token (opens new window)
- Strange code editor behavior: delete option doesn't work (opens new window)
- Fix problem with S3 plugin (opens new window)
- Documentation: Changing wording of project global variable override. (opens new window)
- Issue exporting job with node intersection (opens new window)
- Documentation fix: java 8 is required (opens new window)
- js issue when running job from popup (opens new window)
- Generated tokens always are created with same user roles (opens new window)
- Job Editor completion helper breaks when editing a job with a file upload (opens new window)
- LocalCommand: empty option variable is not expanded (opens new window)
- SCM GIT job exports different on different servers (opens new window)
- java.lang.NullPointerException on debian jessie install (opens new window)
- Update postgresql connector to 42.0.0 (opens new window)
- API: Rundeck 2.8.0, Token creation response for api v18 request is incorrect (opens new window)
- Reduce Error logs on steps with Error Handler (opens new window)
- Ad hoc scheduled executions could not be rescheduled after a restart and will be killed (opens new window)
- Cleaned up executions marked as "incomplete" (opens new window)
- Add autocomplete to notification fields in job editor (opens new window)
- Improve slow db queries related to activity page and home page (opens new window)
- Update not-yet-commons-ssl dependency to 0.3.17 (opens new window)
- Update jackson-databind to (opens new window)
- Upgrade jsch to 0.1.54 (opens new window)
- Simplify rdb queries for project home page statistics (opens new window)
- Scheduled job executions broken after restart (opens new window)
- Rescheduling ad hoc execution fails when restarting rundeckd (opens new window)
- rd-acl test suggests incorrect policy for key storage (opens new window)