# Version 2.6.10
# Release 2.6.10
Date: 2016-11-10
Name: "cafe bonbon limegreen glass"
# Notes
Notable Enhancements:
- Run Job Later feature: schedule a one-time Job execution
- Git SCM Plugins: ability to import jobs from a repo and "archive" the original UUID. Allows sharing a repo among multiple "non-production" projects within the same Rundeck server, and still maintain static UUIDs for the production project.
- Plugin localization and custom icons
- New Project home page
- Project ACLs shown in Access Control page in configuration section
- Custom navbar color configuration
Bug Fixes:
- Potential XSS fixed in Activity page
- Pagination fixed on Activity page
- Git plugin: importing from a git repo, and later changing to a different repo would cause an error
Other Changes:
- Job options are now always shown in the defined order
- Globals can be used in remote option value URLs
And more...
# Contributors
- Andres Montalban (amontalban)
- Fabrice Bacchella
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jamie L. Penman-Smithson (jamieps)
- Jeff Runningen
- Stian Mathiassen
- Sumesh P (sumeshpremraj)
# Bug Reporters
- Mapel88
- ahonor
- ajxb
- amontalban
- cstewart87
- dabest1
- egeland
- fbacchella
- gschueler
- jamieps
- jrunningen
- katanafleet
- kureus
- ltamaster
- penekk
- pfweberp
- puremourning
- rophy
- s-tokutake
- scaissie
- sebw
- smat
- ssbarnea
- sumeshpremraj
- willemdh
# Issues
- API errors are always returned in XML format, not in JSON format (opens new window)
- RSS feed not accessable by public anymore (opens new window)
- Project config file editor: node executor/file copier validation failures show no message (opens new window)
- Adhoc job run display error (opens new window)
- java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'workflow' on null object (opens new window)
- Options with one value and 'enforced allowed values' are not loaded anymore (opens new window)
- Custom color on top navbar (opens new window)
- Global options (from project.properties) not available in valuesUrl (opens new window)
- XSS vulnerability in Activity page (opens new window)
- API: Job run allows separate option params (opens new window)
- Plugin i18n (opens new window)
- Problems viewing the oldest executions on the Activity page (opens new window)
- add project home landing page (opens new window)
- Add documentation to configure Rundeck with PostgreSQL DB (opens new window)
- the /etc/rundeck/profile in RPM packaging has syntax error (opens new window)
- List of Project ACLs added to security page. rename to Access Control (opens new window)
- Escape HTML characters in ExecutionController.renderOutput (opens new window)
- "Send Notification?" is hardcoded. (opens new window)
- attributes with dot in prefix do not render in gui (opens new window)
- using Job References, ${DATE} only gets expanded as option value in the top job. (opens new window)
- Feature Request: Enable linking to job with runbook tab opened (opens new window)
- More redhatcompliance init file, more easier to use profile file (opens new window)
- Feature/api job info (opens new window)
- Remote URL job options do not update when the refresh button is selected (opens new window)
- Inline scripts token expansion broken in 2.6.9. How to escape the @ character? (opens new window)
- Firefox: Secure job option with a default value from keystore is overwritten on job run (opens new window)
- 2.6.9-1: Drag workflow steps does not work unless you edit a step first (opens new window)
- Default values not showing for multi-valued job options in 2.6.9-1 (opens new window)
- [Options Providers] 2.6.9 - display of sorted options does not respect "preserveOrder" or definition settings (opens new window)
- Fixes #1994 (opens new window)
- replace "dtolabs.com" uri in acl internals (opens new window)
- Support for ad hoc scheduling of jobs (opens new window)
- colors disappeared in inline script (opens new window)
- SCM Import/Export with high job count (opens new window)
- SCM Import Fails with Cannot get property '[UUID]' on null object (opens new window)
- SCM import should have a "Remove UUIDs" option (opens new window)
- postgresql support is not documented (opens new window)
- Launcher jar on windows: stack trace on startup (opens new window)