# System Properties Configuration

This document explains how to declare Java System Properties used for configuring Rundeck.

These properties must be declared on the Java commandline when starting Rundeck.

# Executable War

If you are using Executable War to start Rundeck, you would set the properties directly on the commandline, using the -Dpropertyname=value syntax. Add a -D for each property:

java -server -Dserver.servlet.session.timeout=3600 -Dserver.port=8080 -jar rundeck-3.4.10-SNAPSHOT.war

# Properties Reference

  • server.port The HTTP port to use for the server, default "4440"
  • server.https.port The HTTPS port to use or the server, default "4443"
  • server.address Address/hostname to listen on, default is "localhost"
  • server.servlet.context-path Web context path to use, such as "/rundeck". Default is "/".
  • server.servlet.session.timeout Session timeout in seconds.
  • rdeck.base Rundeck Basedir to use, default is the directory containing the executable war
  • rundeck.server.logDir The location where Rundeck will write log files
  • server.datastore.path Path to server datastore dir
  • default.user.name Username for default user account to create
  • default.user.password Password for default user account to create
  • rundeck.jaaslogin "true/false" - if true, enable JAAS login. If false, use the realm.properties file for login information.
  • loginmodule.name Custom JAAS loginmodule name to use
  • loginmodule.conf.name Name of a custom JAAS config file, located in the server's config dir.
  • rundeck.config.name Name of a custom rundeck config file, located in the server's config dir.
  • rundeck.ssl.config Path to the SSL config properties file to enable SSL. If not set, SSL is not enabled.
  • rundeck.jetty.connector.forwarded true/false. Set to true to enable support for "X-forwarded-*" headers which may be sent by a front-end proxy to the rundeck server. See Using an SSL Terminated Proxy.
  • rundeck.jetty.connector.ssl.excludedProtocols Comma-separated list of SSL protocols to disable. Default: 'SSLv3'. See Disabling SSL Protocols.
  • rundeck.jetty.connector.ssl.includedProtocols Comma-separated list of SSL protocols to include. Default is based on available protocols. See Disabling SSL Protocols.
  • rundeck.jetty.connector.ssl.excludedCipherSuites Comma-separated list of Cipher suites to disable. No default. See Disabling SSL Protocols.
  • rundeck.jetty.connector.ssl.includedCipherSuites Comma-separated list of Cipher suites to enable. Default is based on available cipher suites. See Disabling SSL Protocols.
  • logging.config The absolute path to your log4j2 configuration file. This is the Spring Boot log file setting and must be set in rpm,deb, and docker environments for the logging system to initialize properly
  • log4j.configurationFile The absolute path to your log4j2 configuration file.
  • java.io.tmpdir Specifies the temporary directory used by plugins, such as Node Sources and Workflow steps.

For more information about using SSL, see Configuring Rundeck for SSL.

# RPM and DEB

You should not modify the /etc/rundeck/profile file directly, as it may be overwritten during upgrade, or any changes from the upgrade might not be applied.

Instead, For RPM or DEB installations, you can use environment variables set in a "defaults" file to add additional Java Sytem Properties.

  • RPM install: /etc/sysconfig/rundeckd
  • DEB install: /etc/default/rundeckd

Within the rundeckd defaults file, declare a RDECK_JVM_OPTS variable:

RDECK_JVM_OPTS="-Dserver.session.timeout=3600 -Dserver.port=8080"

# Environment Variables Defaults

Here is a partial list of environment variables which are set in the /etc/rundeck/profile, and can be overridden in the /etc/sysconfig/rundeckd file for RPM installation or /etc/default/rundeckd file for DEB installation.

(from /etc/rundeck/profile)

RDECK_JVM_SETTINGS="${RDECK_JVM_SETTINGS:- -Xmx1024m -Xms256m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -server}"