# Version 3.0.7
# Release 3.0.7
Date: 2018-10-08
Name: "jalapeño popper deepskyblue flag"
# Notes
Primarily bug fixes
# Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
# Bug Reporters
- Daryes
- cwaltherf
- damageboy
- gschueler
- jplassnibatt
- ltamaster
- sebastianbello
- sjrd218
- tboh002
# Issues
- Fix #4050 by adding the ability to configure the locale expiration time. 90 days is default.
- Install complete marker now includes version
- Allows custom libraries to configure Jetty WebAppContext
- Initial: repository grails plugin
- Adding execution variable context to notification config options.
- Some job variables not showing some variables in selection list
- Updating python winrm plugin
- RD3: var/.install_complete file won't let to upgrade properly
- Fixing api metrics which doesn't close database connection.
- RD 3 : locale persistence cookie set as type:session
- Update snakeyaml to 1.17. …
- Upgrade grails to 3.3.8
- Introduce Rundeck plugin format version 2.0.
- Fix: LDAP user credentials should not be exposed
- Multi-value option delimiter variable not available within a Job Reference.
- API calls don't close database connection
- Calendar Widget in Rundeck 3 Looks Bad