# Version 2.6.1
# Release 2.6.1
Date: 2015-10-23
Name: "cafe bonbon cornflowerblue globe"
# Fixes
Bugfixes for SCM plugins, and the Job execution/schedule toggle feature.
# Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Miguel A. Fuentes Buchholtz (miguelantonio)
- robertopaez
# Bug Reporters
- LordMike
- albertmfb
- dustinak
- fseiftsmlb
- gschueler
- jyaworski
- katanafleet
- miguelantonio
- mprasil
- oovoo
- paulpet
- rophy
- tomkregenbild
# Issues
- SCM plugin does not interpret variables in paths
- CLI: Running rd-jobs list gives an error when user profile is incomplete and SCM is enabled
- Upgrade to 2.6.0: schedule/execution enabled defaults to No
- changes implementation of flipScheduleEnabled and flipExecutionEnable…
- SCM: import while export plugin enabled can cause stacktrace/empty file
- SCM synch rebase: if result is conflicted, it should be aborted
- SCM: yaml whitespace error on re-import
- SCM "Import remote changes"-cancel button leads to SCM configuration
- SCM rebase gives a non-descriptive message
- SCM imports reads as XML even though YAML has been chosen
- SCM: File Path Template Parameter issue
- SCM: enabling git export and import, then exporting job changes, causes "import needed" status for the job
- SCM: Job description with multiple lines can cause whitespace issues for git-diff
- SCM: Merge result message is verbose
- SCM Plugins: deleting a project should cleanup/remove loaded SCM plugins
- Upgrading from 2.4.x to 2.6.x, all jobs have been set to "Enable Execution: no"
- SCM export plugins: job change events leak to multiple projects
- SCM: setup two projects with same git base dir causes issues
- Upgrade to 2.6.0: Node selection defaults to "user has to explicitly select target nodes"
- When disabling a crontab style schedule and restarting the rundeck service, the schedule is enabled again after service restart.
- scm export commits yaml format in .xml extension
- SCM HTTPS, unknown CA
- Disable/Enable Schedule in Job Actions menu (Rundeck 2.6.0-1)
- problem closing file descriptors unloading plugins in rundeck
- Deleting execution from api is not always working (random errors)
- documentation needed: using the sudo password and ssh private key passphrase via storage facility for ssh