# 1. Getting Started - Nodes

This tutorial is based on example code in the Welcome Projects.

A Node is a resource that is either a physical or virtual instance of a network accessible host. Nodes have a few basic attributes, but a Node's attributes can be extended to include arbitrary named key/value pairs. Attributes typically describe the properties of a node or reflect the state of the node. (e.g. OSVersion: Ubuntu 18.04). Tags can also be assigned to a node for easy searching (e.g. prod or dev).

If this is the first run through of the tutorial there will be a single node in your Welcome Project (the Rundeck Server).

# Enterprise/Community Exercise

  1. Click the > next to the server node to see additional attributes of that node.
  2. Clicking attribute values will dynamically filter the nodes based on that value.
Server Node Output
Server Node Output

# Adding Nodes

# Node Sources

There are multiple ways to add Nodes to Rundeck. Using the Node Wizard Resource Model is the simplest way to add a node to the project.

# Checking your Nodes

  1. Click the Nodes entry in the Project Menu
  2. Enter .* in the filter and click Search.
    (if the node doesn't show up right away wait a few seconds and try again)

Next let’s test our nodes using an ad-hoc Command.