# Learn the Rundeck CLI

# What is RD-CLI?

Rundeck CLI (RD-CLI) is a Java client to access and interact with a Rundeck Instance from the command line. In a few words, Rundeck CLI is a Rundeck API abstraction tool. With Rundeck CLI is possible to view system information, list executions, list and manage jobs, manage keys, list and manage node source, projects, and jobs in the command line.

# Installation

RD-CLI is available as a separate install from Rundeck Open Source/Enterprise for multiple platforms. There are options to install it using a specific repository or just download the .zip file, uncompress it, and execute the binary directly (inside the bin folder).

# CentOS/Redhat based operating systems:

  1. Add the repository with:
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rundeck/packaging/main/scripts/rpm-setup.sh 2> /dev/null | bash -s rundeck
  2. Then install with the following command:
    yum install rundeck-cli
  3. Test RD-CLI with the following command:

# Debian/Ubuntu based operating systems

  1. Add the repository with the following command:
    curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/pagerduty/rundeck/script.deb.sh | os=any dist=any bash
  2. Install with:
    apt-get install rundeck-cli
  3. Test the installation with the following command:
    rd Commands
    rd Commands

# Configuration

Rundeck CLI needs the Rundeck instance connection information and valid credentials (via user/password method or using a valid token), check here (opens new window) to know how to generate a valid user token on Rundeck.

# Connection info env vars

RD-CLI needs the Rundeck instance address and port, for this, the RD_URL environment variable is needed, to save it in your environment just do:

export RD_URL=http://rundeck:4440

Also, it’s possible to define the specific API version in the following way:

export RD_URL=http://rundeck:4440/api/12

These env vars could be saved on .bashrc file directly or in ~/.rd/rd.conf config file (needs the following environment variable to get work: export RD_CONF=/path/to/rd.conf).

# Using the User/password method

The following environment variables work to connect to the Rundeck instance via the user/password method.

export RD_USER=rundeck_user

export RD_PASSWORD=password

# Using the Rundeck token method

The following environment variable it work to connect to the Rundeck instance via API token method, take a look at this to see how to create a new token in Rundeck.

export RD_TOKEN=rundeck_token

# How to use the help on RD-CLI

This point is important because RD-CLI offers help for every option that includes. A good way to get help on any RD-CLI command is to put "help" after any action, for example, to get all options available to get jobs info just type:

rd jobs info help

That's applicable for any action. Another example, to see all system options available:

rd system help
rd Commands
rd Commands

Now you can see the available commands, so, if you need specific help for rd system info action, just do: rd system info helpand now the command description is available.

rd Commands
rd Commands

# First Steps with RD-CLI

  1. See a complete Rundeck instance information rd system info System Info
  2. See a job information
    rd jobs info -v -i job_id
    Where -v is to increase the verbosity and -i is the parameter to define the job UUID. Job Info
  3. Upload a job from a file (also updates a job with the same UUID).
    rd jobs load -f SpaceCat.yaml -F yaml -p ProjectEXAMPLE
    Job Upload Where -f is the parameter to define the yaml job definition file, -F is the file format, and -p is the project name parameter.
  4. See an execution info
    rd executions info -v -e 17
    Execution Info Where -v is the parameter to increase the output verbosity, -i is the parameter to define the execution id and job_id is the job id.
  5. Run a job
    rd run -v -i job_id
    Run a Job Where -v is the parameter to increase the output verbosity, -i is the parameter to define the execution id and job_id is the job id.
  6. Run a job with options
    rd run -v -i job_id -- -option_name option_value
    Job with Options Where -v is the parameter to increase the output verbosity, -i is the parameter to define the execution id, job_id is the job id, -option_name is the job option name and option_value is the value of -option_name option.
Last Updated: 11/29/2021, 9:40:28 PM