# Release 3.3.5
Name: "onion ring red headphones"*
For MySQL users: Starting with Rundeck 3.3.4
the MySQL JDBC driver will no longer be
bundled with the distributions. See the Upgrade Guide
for instructions to ensure your Rundeck installation can still connect to MySQL after upgrading.
# Overview
This release fixes some important bugs and performance issues as well as introduces our Beta for System Report 2.0.
System Report 2.0 (Enterprise Only) is an updated version of the System Report page that includes more Rundeck stats and lists all the configuration settings currently in use. There is even an Export feature that our Support team can use to identify and troubleshoot issues faster. Sensitive data is stored as either Concealed or Secured. Concealed data is hidden on first glance, but visible by clicking a "show data" button in the UI. These are often paths, headers, or other data. Secured entries can not be shown at all and are use for passwords and other critically sensitive information. Both of these data types are always excluded from exports. Enterprise customers can check out the new System Report page under the gear menu in Rundeck.
The licensing bug on RPM/Deb installations from 3.3.4
has been fixed. Rundeck installs with Server UUID
specified in framework.properties
will now work normally with 3.3.5
This release also includes performance enhancements that improve the Project Listing page and overall application startup time. Check out all the details below.
# Issues
- Fix crontab everyday/everymonth checkbox fields always hidden (opens new window)
- Fix server uuid loading in rpm/deb (opens new window)
- Rundeck server uuid not set correctly in rpm/deb (opens new window)
- Update Spring framwork to 5.1.18.RELEASE (opens new window)
- Upgrade Spring framework version (opens new window)
- SetUp new schedule on specific day (or month) don't work anymore (opens new window)
- Add cache warmup at bootstrap time for auth and project services (opens new window)
- Async startup of execution history cleaner tasks (opens new window)
- Project list updates (opens new window)
- Modified css for log output when printing screen from the browser (opens new window)
- Allow upload of empty file to a job option (opens new window)
- Fix the display of Enterprise plugins when listing plugins (opens new window)
- Update Ldap module to try bind password from the configuration service (opens new window)
- Add feature toggle for sidebar project list (opens new window)
- Update ContainerRoleSource to return roles from Spring Security (opens new window)
- Fix 500 error on exec query api for missing project (opens new window)
- API execution query with non-existent project returns 500 error (opens new window)
- Fix Activity Date Filter (opens new window)
- Changing place of the hiddenField "origName" to be possible renaming options when editing a job (opens new window)
- Fix sidebar active indicator on webhooks page (opens new window)
- Nav indicator when on Webhooks points at Dashboards (opens new window)
- GUI: no spaces in dashboard's execution info (opens new window)
- Activity Date Filter not working (opens new window)
# Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Rodrigo Navarro (ronaveva)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos
- ltamaster
# Bug Reporters
- PeterGarlic
- ProTip
- carlosrfranco
- gschueler
- hs-hub-world
- jplassnibatt
- ltamaster
- philjov
- ronaveva
- sjrd218