# Release 3.2.4
Name: "nacho chartreuse paperclip"
# Overview
This release brings some impressive new performance enhancements to the Jobs Listing page, more granular ACL options and the ability to Retry a job on failed nodes. Version 3.2.4 will offer an 80% improvement in Job List performance, especially for those projects with a large number of jobs.
Also in this release a new ACL permission to allow or restrict Job Execution History separately from actions that can be done on a job. This opens the ability to share job results without allowing any other access to the job itself. Here’s the documentation (opens new window) on for using this new ACL action called view_history
We have also included in this release a new Enterprise Job Execution Plugin that enhances the Job Retry Options (opens new window) already included in Rundeck. With this plugin Retries will only be attempted on Nodes that failed or were not started. Read more and see an example here. (opens new window)
# Upgrading
# Issues
Milestone 3.2.4 (opens new window)
- Fix orchestrator issue (opens new window)
- Orchestrator error updating a job in 3.2.4-SNAPSHOT (opens new window)
- Fix #5868 git import should not fail (opens new window)
- Remove random 'e' character (opens new window)
- Fixes #2668 by preventing an endless loop (opens new window)
- Fix #5063 show error in job exec popup (opens new window)
- Fix #5830 select values should not be encoded (opens new window)
- fix #5835 handle registerLogin optimistic locking failure (opens new window)
- "Regular expression" textbox shows HTML Code instead of "" (SCM Import configuration) (opens new window)
- adds ProjectComponent for archive import/export, refactor Webhooks data to use it (opens new window)
- Fixes #5809 by not executing a criteria query when the "in" criteria will be an empty list. (opens new window)
- fix Nullpointer exception on api call (opens new window)
- Some improvements to job list page speed with many jobs (opens new window)
- Joblifecycle plus job without options doesn't show error messages (opens new window)
- Joblifecycle plus job without options doesn't show error messages (opens new window)
- upgrade attribute-match-node-enhancer plugin (opens new window)
- Fixes #5727 by using the plugin registry source that includes groovy plugin metadata. (opens new window)
- Update asset pipeline plugin for gradle and grails. (opens new window)
- saving the correct list of Succeeded Node (opens new window)
- job definition io component extension (opens new window)
- Refactoring context variables for email and plugins notification (opens new window)
- adding some small changes to the edit project form for UI plugin (opens new window)
- Fix #4704 Creating a new permission to allow or deny view executions history limiting by job groups (opens new window)
- No error message in job execution popup (opens new window)
- Request to limit the Activity view for job executions (kind: event) based on job groups (opens new window)
# Contributors
- Daniel Abbatt (danielabbatt)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jesse Marple (jessemarple)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlosrfranco
- robertopaez
# Bug Reporters
- MegaDrive68k
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- danielabbatt
- gschueler
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- luisrivas35
- robertopaez
- ronaveva
- sjrd218