# OpenSSH Node Execution Plugins

This plugin provides a node-executor and file-copier using OpenSSH. Use this plugin if you want to access remote servers using SSH/SCP commands (as an alternative to the default SSH plugin of Rundeck, which is a Java Plugin based on JSCH library).

# Requirements

  • Password Authentication and Passphrase need sshpass installed on the rundeck server.
  • For passing passphrase sshpass version 1.0.6+ is needed

# Dry run mode

You can configure the plugin to just print the invocation string to the console. This can be useful when defining the configuration properties.

# Plugin Configuration Properties

  • Private Key or Password Authentication.
  • Private Key can be used with Passphrase
  • Both password and private key are taken from the key storage.
  • It accepts custom SSH settings
  • Attributes can be defined at Project or Node level (eg: ssh-authentication, ssh-password-storage-path, ssh-options, ssh-key-storage-path)
  • Dry run? If set true, just print the command invocation that would be used but do not execute the command. This is useful to preview.

# Configuration

The plugin can be configured as a default node executor and file copier for a Project. Use the Simple Configuration tab to see the configuration properties.

Project Settings
Project Settings

Also, you can define the configuration at Node Level, setting the node-executor and file-copier attributes.

<node name="RemoteNode"
       description="Remote SSH Node"
       ssh-password-storage-path ="keys/node/user.password"
       ssh-options="-o ConnectTimeout=5000"/>