# Jira Workflow Steps (Enterprise)

Upgrade Notice

As of Rundeck version 3.4.0 the Jira plugins now support Auth Tokens. Please check the Release Notes updates here.

Configuration of the Jira Workflow Steps can be done centrally using Configuration Management.

  1. Create a Key Store entry with the API Token. (Note the path to this key for use later.)
  2. Open System Menu > Configuration Management
  3. Set Jira Login Name, Jira Auth token (use key path from step 1 in plain text), and Jira base URL.
  4. Click Save in the Upper Right.

There is no need to restart. The JIRA Workflow Step plugins should be ready for use.

Alternatively the settings can be specified in framework.propertiesfor all Jira Workflow Steps.


Configuration can be specific per project as documented in the settings below:

# Jira / Issue / Assigned

Search assigned issues by user.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a key storage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory inputs.

  • assignee: Issue assignee.
  • fail: true to fail if there's no assigned issues.

# Jira / Issue / Check Exist

Check if the Jira Issue exist by key.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a key storage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory input.

  • key: Jira issue ID.

# Jira / Issue / Comment

Append notification messages to a Jira issue.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a keystorage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory input.

  • key: The Jira issue ID.
  • message: Message to append, can include variables.

# Jira / Issue / Create

Creates a new Jira issue.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a keystorage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory inputs.

  • project: Jira Project ID.
  • type: Type of the issue, default Incident
  • summary: Issue summary
  • description: Issue description

Optional inputs:

  • assignee: Issue assignee
  • reporter: Issue reporter

# Jira / Issue / Update

Updates a Jira Issue.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a keystorage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory inputs.

  • issue key: Jira Issue ID.
  • transition: Transition name, in the case of Incidents these value can be Investigate, Pending, Resolve, Cancel or Close

Optional input:

  • resolution: Resolution, only needed to Close or Resolve an Incident

# Jira / Issue / Get Data

Retrieve Jira Issue data by key.

# Configuration

The Jira connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project. Password it's a keystorage path to the password.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure the mandatory input.

  • key: Jira issue ID.
  • plainJson: to print the info in plain Json instead of formatted text.
Last Updated: 7/23/2021, 10:19:06 PM