# Rundeck Plugins
This document lists the plugins distributed with Rundeck and Process Automation.
Also see: Plugin Development Guide.
More plugins can be found via:
- Rundeck.org plugins listing (opens new window)
- The official rundeck-plugins (opens new window) org on github
- Github Search: rundeck (opens new window)
- Github topic:
(opens new window)
Note: We are releasing new plugins all the time. This list may not fully list all included plugins. If you find one missing let us know!
Type | Plugin | Description | Availability |
Node Step | Command | Calls system commands on remote nodes | Built-in |
Node Step | Script | Executes script contents | Built-in |
Node Step | Script File | Executes script files | Built-in |
Node Step | Script URL | Downloads and executes scripts from URLs | Built-in |
Node Step | Job Reference | Calls other jobs | Built-in |
Node Step | Copy File | Copies a file to a remote node | Built-in |
Node Step | Local Command | Execute system commands locally | Built-in |
Node Step | Data Node | Produces data values for a node | Built-in |
Node Step | Jira | Creates or updates Jira issues | Enterprise |
Node Step | SQL Runner | Executes SQL scripts against JDBC URLs | Enterprise |
Node Step | VMware | Controls VMware VMs' power state | Enterprise |
Workflow Step | Ansible module | Runs Ansible modules | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Ansible playbook inline | Runs Ansible playbooks inline | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Ansible playbook | Runs Ansible playbooks | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Global variable | Defines a global variable that can be used across all job steps | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Flow control | Allows you to control the flow of a job by printing a status between job steps or halting | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Job state conditional | Allows you to only run a job based on the execution status of another job | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Log data step | Allows you to log all the context data values and view them in a table. | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Refresh project nodes | Allows you to refresh all of the nodes in a project | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Data step | produces data values for the current node | Built-in |
Workflow Step | Jira | Creates or updates Jira issues | Enterprise |
Workflow Step | File Transfer | Transfers files via FTP, SFTP or HTTP | Enterprise |
Workflow Step | Github | Runs scripts from a GitHub repo | Enterprise |
Workflow Step | Progress Badge | Create graphic badges in log output | Enterprise |
Workflow Step | ServiceNow | Creates or modifies ServiceNow® cases | Enterprise |
Workflow Step | VMware | Creates or modifies VMware VMs | Enterprise |
Notifications | Sends emails when a job finishes | Built-in | |
Notifications | Webhooks | Sends HTTP POST data to a URL when a job finishes | Built-in |
Notifications | Jira | Creates or modifies Jira issues when a job finishes | Enterprise |
Notifications | ServiceNow | Comment or Create an Incident on ServiceNow® | Enterprise |
Workflow Strategy | Ruleset | Defines rules for when steps in a workflow should run | Enterprise |
Node Orchestrator | Random Subset | Selects a maximum number of the target nodes at random | Built-in |
Node Orchestrator | Ranked Tiered | Processes nodes in a tiered manner, ordered by rank | Built-in |
Node Orchestrator | Max Percentage | Processes at maximum a percentage of the target nodes | Built-in |
Node Orchestrator | Highest/Lowest Attribute Value | Picks one node with either the highest or lowest value of a certain attribute | Enterprise |
Log Filter | Mask Passwords | Masks secure input option values from being emitted in the logs | Built-in |
Log Filter | Render Formatted Data | Allows marking formatted data as a certain data type | Built-in |
Log Filter | Key-Value Data | Captures key/value data | Built-in |
Log Filter | Quiet Output | Supresses patterns of output | Built-in |
Log Filter | Highlight Output | Highlights patterns of output | Built-in |
Log Filter | Progress Badge | Create graphic badges in log output | Enterprise |
Content Converter | HTML Table View | Renders structured data as a HTML tables | Built-in |
Content Converter | HTML View | Renders embedded HTML | Built-in |
Content Converter | JSON Data | Parses JSON into a Java object | Built-in |
Content Converter | Markdown | Renders Markdown as HTML | Built-in |
Content Converter | Properties | Parses Java style Properties data into a Java object | Built-in |
Content Converter | Tabular Data | Parses Tabular text (csv) into a a Java object | Built-in |
Log Storage | Azure Storage | Stores log files in Azure Storage | Community |
Log Storage | Amazon S3 | Stores log files in Amazon S3 | Community |
Node Execution | Node Execution | Built-in | |
Node Execution | Script | Uses a script to execute commands on remote nodes | Built-in |
Node Execution | SSH | Uses SSH to execute commands on remote nodes | Built-in |
Node Execution | Powershell | Uses PowerShell to execute commands on remote nodes | Enterprise |
Node Execution | SSH Bastion | Provides a node-executor and file-copier supporting ssh actions through a bastion host | Community |
Node Execution | OpenSSH | Provides a node-executor and file-copier using OpenSSH | Built-in |
Resource Model Source | Resource Model Source | Imports nodes from a source | Built-in |
Resource Model Source | Resource Editor | Allows you to edit nodes in a text editor | Built-in |
Resource Model Source | AWS | Populates your nodes from EC2 | Community |
Resource Model Source | Azure | Populates your nodes from Azure | Community |
Resource Model Source | ServiceNow | Populates your nodes from ServiceNow's®CMDB | Enterprise |
Resource Model Source | VMware | Populates your nodes from a VSphere ESXi server or VCenter Server | Enterprise |
Resource Format | XML | XML Format for Resource Models | Built-in |
Resource Format | YAML | YAML Format for Resource Models | Built-in |
Resource Format | JSON | JSON Format for Resource Models | Built-in |
SCM | Git | Imports or exports jobs from a Git repository | Community |
SCM | Job Replication | Replicates job state between Rundeck Cluster instances | Enterprise |
SSO | Okta | Allows you to use Okta to log into Rundeck | Enterprise |
Storage Converter | Encyption | Encrypts Key Storage and Project configuration data | Built-in |
Webhook | Run Job | Runs a job when a webhook event is received | Built In |
Webhook | Routing Run Job | Advanced rule processing of webhook event data to run jobs. | Enterprise |