# Rundeck Plugins

This document lists the plugins distributed with Rundeck and Process Automation.

Also see: Plugin Development Guide.

More plugins can be found via:

Note: We are releasing new plugins all the time. This list may not fully list all included plugins. If you find one missing let us know!

Type Plugin Description Availability
Node Step Command Calls system commands on remote nodes Built-in
Node Step Script Executes script contents Built-in
Node Step Script File Executes script files Built-in
Node Step Script URL Downloads and executes scripts from URLs Built-in
Node Step Job Reference Calls other jobs Built-in
Node Step Copy File Copies a file to a remote node Built-in
Node Step Local Command Execute system commands locally Built-in
Node Step Data Node Produces data values for a node Built-in
Node Step Jira Creates or updates Jira issues Enterprise
Node Step SQL Runner Executes SQL scripts against JDBC URLs Enterprise
Node Step VMware Controls VMware VMs' power state Enterprise
Workflow Step Ansible module Runs Ansible modules Built-in
Workflow Step Ansible playbook inline Runs Ansible playbooks inline Built-in
Workflow Step Ansible playbook Runs Ansible playbooks Built-in
Workflow Step Global variable Defines a global variable that can be used across all job steps Built-in
Workflow Step Flow control Allows you to control the flow of a job by printing a status between job steps or halting Built-in
Workflow Step Job state conditional Allows you to only run a job based on the execution status of another job Built-in
Workflow Step Log data step Allows you to log all the context data values and view them in a table. Built-in
Workflow Step Refresh project nodes Allows you to refresh all of the nodes in a project Built-in
Workflow Step Data step produces data values for the current node Built-in
Workflow Step Jira Creates or updates Jira issues Enterprise
Workflow Step File Transfer Transfers files via FTP, SFTP or HTTP Enterprise
Workflow Step Github Runs scripts from a GitHub repo Enterprise
Workflow Step Progress Badge Create graphic badges in log output Enterprise
Workflow Step ServiceNow Creates or modifies ServiceNow® cases Enterprise
Workflow Step VMware Creates or modifies VMware VMs Enterprise
Notifications Email Sends emails when a job finishes Built-in
Notifications Webhooks Sends HTTP POST data to a URL when a job finishes Built-in
Notifications Jira Creates or modifies Jira issues when a job finishes Enterprise
Notifications ServiceNow Comment or Create an Incident on ServiceNow® Enterprise
Workflow Strategy Ruleset Defines rules for when steps in a workflow should run Enterprise
Node Orchestrator Random Subset Selects a maximum number of the target nodes at random Built-in
Node Orchestrator Ranked Tiered Processes nodes in a tiered manner, ordered by rank Built-in
Node Orchestrator Max Percentage Processes at maximum a percentage of the target nodes Built-in
Node Orchestrator Highest/Lowest Attribute Value Picks one node with either the highest or lowest value of a certain attribute Enterprise
Log Filter Mask Passwords Masks secure input option values from being emitted in the logs Built-in
Log Filter Render Formatted Data Allows marking formatted data as a certain data type Built-in
Log Filter Key-Value Data Captures key/value data Built-in
Log Filter Quiet Output Supresses patterns of output Built-in
Log Filter Highlight Output Highlights patterns of output Built-in
Log Filter Progress Badge Create graphic badges in log output Enterprise
Content Converter HTML Table View Renders structured data as a HTML tables Built-in
Content Converter HTML View Renders embedded HTML Built-in
Content Converter JSON Data Parses JSON into a Java object Built-in
Content Converter Markdown Renders Markdown as HTML Built-in
Content Converter Properties Parses Java style Properties data into a Java object Built-in
Content Converter Tabular Data Parses Tabular text (csv) into a a Java object Built-in
Log Storage Azure Storage Stores log files in Azure Storage Community
Log Storage Amazon S3 Stores log files in Amazon S3 Community
Node Execution Node Execution Built-in
Node Execution Script Uses a script to execute commands on remote nodes Built-in
Node Execution SSH Uses SSH to execute commands on remote nodes Built-in
Node Execution Powershell Uses PowerShell to execute commands on remote nodes Enterprise
Node Execution SSH Bastion Provides a node-executor and file-copier supporting ssh actions through a bastion host Community
Node Execution OpenSSH Provides a node-executor and file-copier using OpenSSH Built-in
Resource Model Source Resource Model Source Imports nodes from a source Built-in
Resource Model Source Resource Editor Allows you to edit nodes in a text editor Built-in
Resource Model Source AWS Populates your nodes from EC2 Community
Resource Model Source Azure Populates your nodes from Azure Community
Resource Model Source ServiceNow Populates your nodes from ServiceNow's®CMDB Enterprise
Resource Model Source VMware Populates your nodes from a VSphere ESXi server or VCenter Server Enterprise
Resource Format XML XML Format for Resource Models Built-in
Resource Format YAML YAML Format for Resource Models Built-in
Resource Format JSON JSON Format for Resource Models Built-in
SCM Git Imports or exports jobs from a Git repository Community
SCM Job Replication Replicates job state between Rundeck Cluster instances Enterprise
SSO Okta Allows you to use Okta to log into Rundeck Enterprise
Storage Converter Encyption Encrypts Key Storage and Project configuration data Built-in
Webhook Run Job Runs a job when a webhook event is received Built In
Webhook Routing Run Job Advanced rule processing of webhook event data to run jobs. Enterprise