# ServiceNow® Notification Plugins

Available in PagerDuty Process Automation products

# ServiceNow / Incident / Comment

Rundeck Notification plugin to comment an incident

# Configuration

The ServiceNow connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure this mandatory input:

  • incident key: ServiceNow incident ID.
  • Comment: Comment to add.

# ServiceNow / Incident / Create

Rundeck Notification plugin that creates an incident

# Configuration

The ServiceNow® connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure this mandatory input:

  • caller: the username of the assigned Caller field of the Incident.

These inputs are optional and if left empty the default value of Service now it's going to be used

  • urgency: A number representing the urgency of the incident (usually being 1 the most urgent)
  • impact: A number representing the impact of the incident (usually being 1 the higher urgent)
  • priority: A number representing the priority of the incident (calculated from urgency and impact)
  • Assignment Group: Assignment Group. If not set, no value will be sent
  • Description: Description to be used

# ServiceNow / Change / Create

Rundeck Notification plugin to create a ServiceNow® Change

# Configuration

The ServiceNow® connection credentials are set in the project.properties file for your project.


# Usage

To use the plugin, configure this mandatory input:

  • assignment group: ServiceNow® incident ID.
  • state: State code. If not set, the change will be in New status.