# Progress Badge Workflow Step (Enterprise)
The Progress Badge Plugin included with Process Automation can create graphic badges to be rendered on the Log Output tab.
See also: (/manual/log-filters/progress-badge.md).
Render a single badge using input options:
- Text to be displayed inside the badge. Supports emoticons (see below).
- Status of the Badge, ok (green badge), error (red badge) or neutral (grey badge). Can be a variable from option o key-value data.
# Emoji Support
To use some emoji inside the text, must input the alias of the emoji between colon:
:smile: Successfull job! :100:
Display as:
😄 Successfull job! 💯
A full list of supported emoji are listed here: vdurmont/emoji-java (opens new window)
# Advanced render options
- Specify typeface and font size
- Select for background color of the badge. O can enter a hexadecimal color value in the format #ffff00