# VMWare Node Source (Enterprise)
Available in PagerDuty Process Automation products
The VMWare resource model plugin gets the VMs from a VSphere ESXi server or VCenter Server as Rundeck Nodes.
# Configuration Options:
- Custom Mapping:
The custom mapping option allows you to get custom/default node attribute based on Vmware API values.
Add custom mappings in the form attributeName.selector=vmAttribute
or attributeName.default=value
, separated by new line.
For example, to add a status
attribute based on a VM's attribute, you can use status.selector=guest.guestState
To create an attribute based on concatenated fields, used comma to concatenated them: nodename.selector=vm.name,vm.dataCenter
Custom tags can be added based on VM's attributes, for example tags.selector=guest.guestState,guest.toolsStatus
Default values can be added using attributeName.default=format
Also, the default values can be used per osFamily
value, for example: username.windows.default=Administrator
, username.linux.default=root
Example of a custom mapping:
In case you work on multiples Data-Center environment, you can use the Data-Center name as part of the node name, to avoid duplicate nodes from VMs that has the same name.
For example, add this on the custom mapping: nodename.selector=vm.name,vm.dataCenter
- Just Running VMs.: Filter by running vms
- DataCenter: (Optional) filter by DataCenter. Leave it blank for all DataCenters
- Ip Address Selector: Filter Multiples IP Address. In case the Vms has more that one IP address, you can select one of them using a IP pattern like
- Display attribute with subgroups: Display node attribute with subgroups (format group.subgroup)
- Attributes group: List attributes group to display of the VMs. Options are: Guest,Config,Runtime,Summary
# Authentication Options:
- URL Server: URL of the Server, eg: https://vmware-server
- Username: Login Username
- Password: Username Password
- Ignore SSL certificate: Connecting with the server ignoring the SSL certificate. If this is false, you will need to add the certificate to the truststore.
# Connecting using Certificate
For now, to verify the certificate you need to add it to the truststore of Rundeck or Java:
- get the certificate from VSphere/VCenter Server:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect server:443
- put the certificate on a file, for example:
Certificates are PEM encoded and start with -BEGIN CERTIFICATE--
end with --END CERTIFICATE--
- Add the certificate to the truststore
keytool -import -alias WmWare-cert -file vmware-vm.cert -keystore $RDECK_BASE/etc/truststore -storepass adminadmin
For Rundeck launcher, the truststore file will be located on $RDECK_BASE/etc/
, for deb/rpm package will be located on /etc/rundeck/ssl/
- (Optional) You can also add the certificate to the JVM
keytool -import -alias WmWare-cert -file vmware-vm.cert -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit