# Automated Diagnostics

# Prebuilt Jobs

Jobs are arranged in Job Groups (folders) based on their purpose or related technology.


Many of these Jobs depend on a method of sending of commands to remote-nodes (such as EC2's). Follow the SSM Tour outlined in the Tours section to use Systems Manager, or install an Enterprise Runner for SSH so that Runbook Automation can send commands to the remote-nodes.

Group Job Name
AWS / CloudWatch Nginx Rejected Requests
AWS / CloudWatch Top 10 Hosts by Throughput on Subnet
AWS / CloudWatch Top 10 Source IP Addresses with Highest Rejected Requests
AWS / CloudWatch Top 10 Web-Server Requesters by Public IP
AWS / CloudWatch UDP Transfer Protocol IP Addresses Identification
AWS / EC2 Instance Status
AWS / ECS Java Thread Dump from Container
AWS / ECS Stopped ECS Task Errors
AWS / ELB Retrieve ELB Targets Health Status
AWS / RDS Check Database Storage Status
Kubernetes Describe Deployment
Kubernetes Describe Replicaset
Kubernetes Describe Specific Pod
Kubernetes Execute Command in Pod
Kubernetes List Recent Events
Kubernetes Retrieve Logs from Kubernetes by Selector Label
Kubernetes Tail Logs from Individual Kubernetes Pod
Linux CPU, Memory & Disk to PagerDuty Incident
Linux Retrieve Errors from Syslog
Linux Retrieve Service Status
Linux Top CPU & Memory Consuming Processes
Linux Top Disk Consuming Files
Nginx Curl Localhost Endpoint
Nginx Retrieve Error Logs
Nginx Test Nginx Configuration
PostGreSQL Tail PostgreSQL Logs Files
PostGreSQL Test is PostgreSQL Server is Running
Redis Check Port 6379 is Listening
Redis Redis Memory Statistics
Redis Slow Log Entries

# How to Use the Node Filter Job Option

All Jobs that send commands to a remote-node have a predefined Node Filter set to {$option.node_filter}:

Node Filter

This is so that target-nodes can be specified in the Job invocations from PagerDuty Automation Actions (opens new window) - as described in the next section of this Solution Guide.

# Target Specific Nodes

To target specific Nodes for the prebuilt Jobs within the Runbook Automation Interface:

  1. Select Change the Target Nodes
  2. Click the dropdown to the left of ${option.node_filter}
  3. Click on Show all nodes Change Nodes

  4. Click on an individual Node, and click the small Arrow to the right of the Node Name: Select Node

This will allow you to target the individual node selected. If you want to target multiple Nodes, see the Node Filter Documentation.

# With the Prebuilt Jobs, you can integrate with Automation Actions!