# Automated Diagnostics
# Getting Started
To use the Automated Diagnostics Solution, you must either have a PagerDuty Runbook Automation license or a Process Automation license. See the FAQ for details on how to use with Rundeck Community. If you do not have a license for either of these products, contact us (opens new window) to learn more.
You must be running version 4.3.0 or greater to use this Solution.
Follow the steps below to download and import the Automated Diagnostics Jobs and Tours:
# Download the Automated Diagnostics Solution package.
- Download the latest release of the Automated Diagnostics Solution here (opens new window).
- Open the .zip file and there should be two files inside the folder:
# Create a project in your Runbook Automation environment:
- Click the P in the upper left corner to navigate to the Main Dashboard
- Click the blue New Project+ button:
- Copy the following into the Project Name field:
- Provide a Label for a more "user-friendly" name - such as Automated Diagnostics
- Click the green Create button
# Import the archive file into your new project:
- In your new project, click the gears in the lower left corner for Project Settings
- Choose Import Archive from the menu:
- For the Choose a Rundeck archive, select the
from the downloaded resources. - Leave all of the import settings as their defaults
- Click green Import button
# Import the Tours:
- Click the gear-icon in the upper right and select Tour Manager
- Click on Import/Export and select Import:
- Select the system-tours-xxxxx.zip file from the downloaded resources
- Click on the green Import button
The Tours in the Automated Diagnostics Solution will help you integrate the product with various services (such as AWS) and other PagerDuty products.
If you are looking for a more general introduction to PagerDuty’s Automation products, it is recommended to review the contents of the Welcome Project.