This document describes how to configure Rundeck for SSL/HTTPS support, and assumes you are using the rundeck-launcher standalone launcher.

  1. Before beginning, do a first-run of the launcher, as it will create the base directory for Rundeck and generate configuration files.

    cd $RDECK_BASE;  java -jar rundeck-launcher-1.1.0.jar

This will start the server and generate necessary config files. Press control-c to shut down the server.

  1. Using the keytool command, generate a keystore for use as the server cert and client truststore. Specify passwords for key and keystore:

    keytool -keystore etc/keystore -alias rundeck -genkey -keyalg RSA -keypass admin -storepass admin

Be sure to specify the correct hostname of the server as the response to the question "What is your first and last name?". Answer "yes" to the final question.

You can pass all the answers to the tool on the command-line by using a HERE document.

Replace the first line "Venkman.local" with the hostname for your server, and use any other organizational values you like:

    keytool -keystore etc/keystore -alias rundeck -genkey -keyalg RSA -keypass adminadmin -storepass adminadmin  <<!
    My org
    my city
    my state
  1. CLI tools that communicate to the Rundeck server need to trust the SSL certificate provided by the server. They are preconfigured to look for a truststore at the location: $RDECK_BASE/etc/truststore. Copy the keystore as the truststore for CLI tools:

    cp etc/keystore etc/truststore
  2. Modify the file to specify the location of the keystore and the appropriate passwords:

    vi server/config/

An example file (from the RPM package).

  1. Configure client properties. Modify the file $RDECK_BASE/etc/ and change these properties:

    • framework.server.url
    • framework.rundeck.url
    • framework.server.port

Set them to the appropriate https protocol, and change the port to 4443, or to the value of your -Dserver.https.port runtime configuration property.

  1. Launch the rundeck launcher and tell it where to read the

    java -Drundeck.ssl.config=$RDECK_BASE/server/config/ -jar rundeck-launcher-1.1.0.jar

You can change port by adding -Dserver.https.port:

    java -Drundeck.ssl.config=$RDECK_BASE/server/config/ -Dserver.https.port=1234 rundeck-launcher-1.1.0.jar

If successful, you will see a line indicating the SSl connector has started:

Started SslSocketConnector@

Securing passwords

Passwords do not have to be stored in the ssl.config. If they are not set, then the server will prompt on the console for a user to enter the passwords.

If you want the server to start without prompting then you need to set the passwords in the config file.

The passwords stored in can be obfuscated so they are not in plaintext:

Run the jetty "Password" utility:

$ java -cp server/lib/jetty-6.1.21.jar:server/lib/jetty-util-6.1.21.jar <password>

This will produce two lines, one starting with "OBF:"

Use the entire OBF: output as the password in the file, eg:


Troubleshooting keystore

Some common error messages and causes: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

A password specified in the file was incorrect.

2010-12-02 10:07:29.958::WARN: failed SslSocketConnector@ /Users/greg/rundeck/etc/keystore (No such file or directory)

The keystore/truststore file specified in doesn't exist

Optional PEM export

You can export the PEM formatted server certificate for use by HTTPS clients (web browsers or e.g. curl).

Export pem cacert for use by e.g. curl:

keytool -export -keystore etc/keystore -rfc -alias rundeck > rundeck.server.pem