You can modify some display features of the Rundeck GUI by setting these properties in the file:

Property Description Example
rundeck.gui.title Title shown in app header Test App
rundeck.gui.logo Logo icon path relative to webapps/rundeck/images dir test-logo.png
rundeck.gui.logo-width Icon width for proper display (32px is best) 32px
rundeck.gui.logo-height Icon height for proper display (32px is best) 32px
rundeck.gui.titleLink URL for the link used by the app header icon.
rundeck.gui.helpLink URL for the "help" link in the app header. docs
rundeck.gui.realJobTree Displaying a real tree in the Jobs overview instead of collapsing empty groups. Default: true false
rundeck.gui.startpage Change the default page shown after login. values: 'run','jobs' or 'history'. Default: 'run'. 'jobs'
rundeck.gui.execution.tail.lines.default Change the default number of lines shown in the execution page in tail mode view. (Default: 20) 50
rundeck.gui.execution.tail.lines.max Change the maximum number of lines shown in the execution page in tail mode view. (Default: 100) 200
rundeck.gui.enableJobHoverInfo Shows job information when the user hovers over a job name in various pages. (Default: true) false