Advanced Installation Options
Enterprise Runner - Advanced Installation Options
For most use-cases, the steps outlined in the Creating Runner documentation will be sufficient to get your Runner installed.
However, there are some advanced installation options that you may want to consider depending on your environment and requirements.
Linux Service for the Runner
The Runner can be installed as a systemd
service on Linux systems.
Create a systemd configuration file
with the following contents:[Unit] Description=Runbook Automation Runner [Service] WorkingDirectory=/opt/apps/runner Type=simple User=rundeck Group=rundeck # Put your runner's filename here ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar runner-b40ff722-feac-4f02-9dd1-9b31f677e5a1.jar Restart=on-failure [Install]
Create the Runner folder (e.g. /opt/apps/runner ) and set the permissions for the rundeck user and group.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/apps/runner sudo chown rundeck:rundeck /opt/apps/runner
Run the following shell commands to enable and start the service.
# sudo systemctl daemon-reload # sudo systemctl enable runner # sudo service runner start
Manual Docker Installation
The standard method for deploying the Runner with Docker is with docker-compose
as outlined in the Creating Runner documentation by selecting Docker
for the Platform.
However, you can also manually install the Runner using the Docker image.
Pull the Runner docker image from Dockerhub.
docker pull rundeckpro/runner
Use the tag
for a specific version, where$VERSION
is set with:export $VERSION=5.1.0
Use either Environment Variables, or a Volume Mount to specify the Connection parameters for the Runner.
API Usage Required
Currently, to obtain the token for a Runner, use the Runner Management API to create the Runner:
Docker Environment Variables
Specify connection info and credentials via Env Vars:
- The Runner secret token
- The Server URL
- The Runner ID
Docker Volume Mount
- Volume Mount path
The contents are in this format:
docker run -it \ -v "$(pwd)/rdrunner-creds:/app/.rdrunner-creds:" \ rundeckpro/runner:5.10.0
Extending the Docker Image
If you are using certain plugins, such as Ansible, Docker or PyWinRM, you may need additional software that is not included in the base image for the Runner.
You will need to create a custom docker image based on the base image.
Example: Install Runner & Ansible in Container
Example Dockerfile to add ansible:
FROM rundeckpro/runner:${RUNNER_VERSION}
USER root
## Install python, pip and ansible
RUN apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
python3-pip && \
pip3 install --upgrade pip && \
pip3 install ansible
# include any other necessary packages
#RUN apt-get -y install sshpass
USER runner
Working with ansible you will need to provide the inventory information. You can reach that using:
- pass the inventory "inline" in the Jobs definition
- Copy the inventory or ansible config files to the Dockerfile
COPY path/ansible.cfg /app/ansible/ansible.cfg
COPY path/hosts /app/ansible/hosts
- Mount the inventory or ansible config files to the container
docker run -it \
-v "$(pwd)/rdrunner-creds:/app/.rdrunner-creds:" \
-v "$(pwd)/path/ansible.cfg:/app/ansible/ansible.cfg:" \
-v "$(pwd)/path/hosts:/app/ansible/hosts:" \
//: # ( curl --location --request POST 'https://[URL]/api/42/runnerManagement/runners' )
//: # ( --header 'Accept: application/json' )
//: # ( --header 'X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: [ApiToken]' )
//: # ( --header 'Content-Type: application/json' )
Secure the Runner Deployment
We recommend installing Runners in private directories that are only accessible by the user/group holding the runner process (e.g.: C:\Users\runnerUser\
directory) so that other users are not able to access or even modify script files created by the runner.
Runner installations that are not isolated properly are exposed to potential security risks:
1. Privilege escalation, in the case that the runner agent runs with Administrator privileges
2. Local user impersonation by allowing code execution in the session of the runner
3. Denial of service of the Job functionality for the specific runner
4. AV / EDR evasion by facilitating code execution in remote processes
Configure using environment variables
The Runner properties can be updated through environment variables which can be set when the Runner process is started. This approach is suitable for secure environments where the Runner is deployed because tokens can be kept externally in keystores and updated at runtime when the Runner is launched. Here is an example of the env variables: