# Rundeck CLI - Configuration

Export environment variables in your shell, or in a ~/.rd/rd.conf file (unix only), or by specifying the file location:

export RD_CONF=/path/to/rd.conf

If you want the conf file values to let you override them with any vars you have exported in your shell, you can define config values like:

export RD_URL=${RD_URL:-http://server:4440}

Which will default the value unless you have already exported RD_URL.

Note: Using RD_CONF or the default ~/.rd/rd.conf file requires invoking rd via the script included in the zip/deb/rpm installation. If you invoke it via java -jar rd-cli.jar directly, the environment variables in the rd.conf file will not be used. You will have to export those variables into your shell first.

# Connection Info

export RD_URL=http://rundeck:4440`

Define a specific API version to use, by using the complete API base:

export RD_URL=http://rundeck:4440/api/12

All requests will be made using that API version.

# Credentials

Define access credentials as user/password or Token value:

export RD_TOKEN=yourtokenhere`


export RD_USER=username
export RD_PASSWORD=password

# Prompting

If you do not define the credentials as environment variables, you will be prompted to enter a username/password or token in the shell if a TTY is avaliable.

You can disable automatic prompting:

export RD_AUTH_PROMPT=false

# ANSI color

By default, rd will print some output using ANSI escapes for colorized output.

You can disable this:

export RD_COLOR=0

You can set the default colors used by info/output/error/warning output:

export RD_COLOR_INFO=blue
export RD_COLOR_WARN=orange
export RD_COLOR_ERROR=cyan

# Date Format

You can modify the Date format used when displaying dates:

export RD_DATE_FORMAT=<format>

Where <format> is a Java Simple Date Format.

The default format is ISO-8601: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX

# Bypass an external URL

If your Rundeck server has a different external URL than the one you are accessing, you can tell the rd tool to treat redirects to that external URL as if they were to the original URL you specified.

export RD_URL=http://internal-rundeck:4440/rundeck
export RD_BYPASS_URL=https://rundeck.mycompany.com

This will rewrite any redirect to https://rundeck.mycompany.com/blah as http://internal-rundeck:4440/rundeck/blah.

Note: if you include the API version in your RD_URL, e.g. http://internal-rundeck:4440/rundeck/api/12 then the RD_BYPASS_URL will be replaced by http://internal-rundeck:4440/rundeck.

# HTTP/connect timeout

# sets connection timeout (default: 2 Minutes)


# sets write timeout (default: 10 Seconds)


# sets read timeout (default: 10 Minutes)


# sets call* timeout (default: none)


# Sets the timeout for READ, CONNECT, and WRITE. This overrides any settings above.


* Call Timeout: This is sets a timeout on the entire request/response sequence including DNS resolution and redirect following.

Note: if the timeout seems longer than you specify, it is because the connection retry is set to true by default.

# Connection Retry

Retry in case of recoverable connection issue (e.g. failure to connect):

Use RD_CONNECT_RETRY (default true):

# don't retry

export RD_CONNECT_RETRY=false

# Debug HTTP

Use the RD_DEBUG env var to turn on HTTP debugging:

# basic http request debug

export RD_DEBUG=1 

# http headers

export RD_DEBUG=2 

# http body

export RD_DEBUG=3 

# SSL Configuration

See SSL Configuration

# Insecure SSL

To disable all SSL certificate checks, and hostname verifications:

export RD_INSECURE_SSL=true

When enabled, a value of RD_DEBUG=2 will also report SSL certificate information.

# Insecure SSL Hostname Verification

To retain SSL certificate verification, but allow any hostname to be allowed for the certificate:


# Alternate SSL Hostname Verification

Similar to Bypass an external URL, this allows you to retain SSL certificate verification, but set an alternate hostname to accept from the remote server certificate, if it does not match the hostname you are using in your request: