# Rundeck CLI - Commands

The rd command provides top level commands:

Available commands:

   adhoc      - Dispatch adhoc COMMAND to matching nodes
   executions - List running executions, attach and follow their output, or kill them
   jobs       - List and manage Jobs
   keys       - Manage Keys via the Key Storage Facility.
   nodes      - List and manage node resources
   projects   - List and manage projects
   run        - Run a Job
   scheduler  - View scheduler information
   system     - View system information
   tokens     - Create, and manage tokens
   users      - Manage user information

Use "rd [command] help" to get help on any command.

# acl

See rd acl

# adhoc

Dispatch adhoc COMMAND to matching nodes.

Usage: adhoc options -- COMMAND...
	[--quoted -Q] : Use quoted args
	[--extension -x value] : File extension to use for temporary script
	[--filter -F value] : A node filter string
	[--follow -f] : Follow execution output as it runs
	[--keepgoing -K] : Keep going when an error occurs
	[--outformat -% value] : Output format specifier for execution logs. You can use "%key" where key is one of:time,level,log,user,command,node. E.g. "%user@%node/%level: %log"
	[--progress -r] : Do not echo log text, just an indicator that output is being received.
	[--project -p /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9+][-\._a-zA-Z0-9+]*$/] : Project name
	[--quiet -q] : Echo no output. Combine with -f/--follow to wait silently until the execution completes. Useful for non-interactive scripts.
	[--restart -t] : Restart from the beginning
	[--script -s value] : Dispatch specified script file
	[--interpreter -i value] : Script interpreter string
	[--stdin -S] : Execute input read from STDIN
	[--tail -T value] : Number of lines to tail from the end, default: 1
	[--threadcount -C value] : Execute using COUNT threads
	[--url -u value] : Download a URL and dispatch it as a script
	[--verbose -v] : Extended verbose output

# executions

List running executions, attach and follow their output, or kill them.

Available commands:

   delete     - Delete an execution by ID
   deletebulk - Find and delete executions in a project
   follow     - Follow the output of an execution
   info       - Get info about a single execution by ID
   kill       - Attempt to kill an execution by ID
   list       - List all running executions for a project
   query      - Query previous executions for a project
   state      - Get detail about the node and step state of an execution by ID  
   deleteall  - Delete all executions for a job

# execution query

Query previous executions for a project.

Usage: query options
	[--adhoconly -A] : Adhoc executions only
	[--confirm -y] : Force confirmation of delete request.
	[--xgroup value] : Group or partial group path to exclude, "-" means top-level jobs only
	[--xgroupexact value] : Exact group path to exclude, "-" means top-level jobs only
	[--xnameexact value] : Exclude Exact Job Name Filter, exclude any name that is equal to this value
	[--xname value] : Exclude Job Name Filter, exclude any name that matches this value
	[--xjobids -x value...] : Job ID list to exclude
	[--xjobs -X value...] : List of Full job group and name to exclude.
	[--group -g value] : Group or partial group path to include, "-" means top-level jobs only
	[--groupexact -G value] : Exact group path to include, "-" means top-level jobs only
	[--jobonly -J] : Job executions only
	[--nameexact -N value] : Exact Job Name Filter, include any name that is equal to this value
	[--name -n value] : Job Name Filter, include any name that matches this value
	[--jobids -i value...] : Job ID list to include
	[--jobs -j value...] : List of Full job group and name to include.
	[--max -m value] : Maximum number of results to retrieve at once.
	[--offset -o value] : First result offset to receive.
	[--older -O value] : Get executions older than specified time. e.g. "3m" (3 months).
Use: h,n,s,d,w,m,y (hour,minute,second,day,week,month,year)
	[--outformat -% value] : Output format specifier for execution data. You can use "%key" where key is one of:id, project, description, argstring, permalink, href, status, job, user, serverUUID, dateStarted, dateEnded, successfulNodes, failedNodes. E.g. "%id %href"
	--project -p value : Project name
	[--recent -d value] : Get executions newer than specified time. e.g. "3m" (3 months).
Use: h,n,s,d,w,m,y (hour,minute,second,day,week,month,year)
	[--status -s value] : Status filter, one of: running,succeeded,failed,aborted
	[--user -u value] : User filter
	[--verbose -v] : Extended verbose output

# jobs

List and manage Jobs.

Available commands:

   disable        - Disable execution for a job
   enable         - Enable execution for a job
   info           - Get info about a Job by ID (API v18)
   list           - List jobs found in a project, or download Job definitions (-f)
   load           - Load Job definitions from a file in XML or YAML format
   purge          - Delete jobs matching the query parameters
   reschedule     - Enable schedule for a job
   unschedule     - Disable schedule for a job
   enablebulk     - Enable execution for a set of jobs
   disablebulk    - Disable execution for a set of jobs
   reschedulebulk - Enable schedule for a set of jobs
   unschedulebulk - Disable schedule for a set of jobs
   forecast   - Get Schedule Forecast for a Job by ID (API v31)

# keys

Manage Keys via the Key Storage Facility. Specify the path using -p/--path, or as the last argument to the command.

Available commands:

   create - Create a new key entry
   delete - Delete the key at the given path
   get    - Get the contents of a public key
   info   - Get metadata about the given path
   list   - List the keys and directories at a given path, or at the root by default
   update - Update an existing key entry

# nodes

List and manage node resources.

List all nodes for a project. You can use the -F/--filter to specify a node filter, or simply add the filter on the end of the command

Usage: list [options] NODE FILTER...
	[--filter -F value] : A node filter string
	[--outformat -% value] : Output format specifier for Node info. You can use "%key" where key is one of:nodename, hostname, osFamily, osVersion, osArch, description, username, tags, or any attribute. E.g. "%nodename %tags"
	[--project -p value] : Project name
	[--verbose -v] : Extended verbose output

# projects

List and manage projects.

Available commands:

   acls      - Manage Project ACLs
   archives  - Project Archives import and export
   configure - Manage Project configuration
   create    - Create a project
   delete    - Delete a project
   info      - Get info about a project
   list      - List all projects
   readme    - Manage Project readme
   scm       - Manage Project SCM

# projects archives

Project Archives import and export

Available commands:

   export - Export a project archive
   import - Import a project archive

# projects scm

Manage Project SCM

Available commands:

   config      - Get SCM Config for a Project
   disable     - Disable plugin
   enable      - Enable plugin
   inputs      - Get SCM action inputs
   perform     - Perform SCM action
   plugins     - List SCM plugins
   setup       - Setup SCM Config for a Project
   setupinputs - Get SCM Setup inputs
   status      - Get SCM Status for a Project

# projects configure

Manage Project configuration

Available commands:

   delete - Remove configuration properties for a project
   get    - Get all configuration properties for a project
   set    - Overwrite all configuration properties for a project
   update - Modify configuration properties for a project

# run

Run a Job.

Usage: run [options] -- -OPT VAL -OPT2 VAL...
     [--filter -F value] : A node filter string
     [--follow -f] : Follow execution output as it runs
     [--id -i value] : Run the Job with this IDENTIFIER
     [--job -j value] : Job job (group and name). Run a Job specified by Job name and group. eg: 'group/name'.
     [--loglevel -l /(verbose|info|warning|error)/] : Run the command using the specified LEVEL. LEVEL can be verbose, info, warning, error.
     [--progress -r] : Do not echo log text, just an indicator that output is being received.
     [--project -p value] : Project name
     [--quiet -q] : Echo no output. Combine with -f/--follow to wait silently until the execution completes. Useful for non-interactive scripts.
     [--restart -t] : Restart from the beginning
     [--at -@ value] : Run the job at the specified date/time. ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z')
     [--delay -d /(\d+[smhdwMY]\s*)+/] : Run the job at a certain time from now. Format: ##[smhdwMY] where ## is an integer and the units are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, Months, Years. Can combine units, e.g. "2h30m", "20m30s"
     [--tail -T value] : Number of lines to tail from the end, default: 1
     [--user -u value] : A username to run the job as, (runAs access required).

# scheduler

View scheduler information

Available commands:

   jobs     - List jobs for the current target server, or a specified server
   takeover - Tell a Rundeck server in cluster mode to claim all scheduled jobs from another cluster server

# scheduler jobs

List jobs for the current target server, or a specified server.

Usage: jobs [options]
	[--uuid -u value] : Server UUID to query, or blank to select the target server

# system

View system information

Available commands:

   acls - Manage System ACLs
   info - Print system information and stats
   mode - Manage Execution Mode

# system acls

Manage System ACLs

Available commands:

   create - Create a system ACL definition
   delete - Delete a system ACL definition
   get    - get a system ACL definition
   list   - list system acls
   upload - Upload a system ACL definition

# system info

Print system information and stats.

# system mode

Manage Execution Mode.

Available commands:

   active  - Set execution mode Active
   info    - Show execution mode
   passive - Set execution mode Passive

# tokens

Create, and manage tokens

Available commands:

   create - Create a token for a user
   delete - Delete a token
   list   - List tokens for a user
   reveal - Reveal token value for an ID (API v19+)

# users

Manage user information

Available commands:

   edit - Edit information of the same user or another if 'user' is specified
   info - Get information of the same user or from another if 'user' is specified
   list - Get the list of users