# Logs
Depending on the installer used, the log files will be under a base directory:
- RPM:
- Launcher:
The following files will be found in the log directory:
|-- command.log
|-- rundeck.audit.log
|-- rundeck.jobs.log
|-- rundeck.options.log
|-- rundeck.log
`-- service.log
Different facilities log to their own files:
: Shell tools log their activity to the command.logrundeck.audit.log
: Authorization messages pertaining to aclpolicyrundeck.job.log
: Log of all job definition changesrundeck.options.log
: Logs remote HTTP requests for Options JSON datarundeck.log
: General Rundeck application messagesservice.log
: Standard input and output generated during runtime
See the #log4j-properties section for information about customizing log message formats and location.
# Streaming log plugins
Streaming log plugins have two forms:
- Streaming Log Writers
- can write log data to another system (e.g. a search or log storage system) as the log data is received. Multiple Log Writers can be configured for a server, and Rundeck's filesystem-based log writer is used by default.
- Streaming Log Readers
- can load the log data from another system, rather than from the local file system. Only a single Log Reader can be configured for the a server, and Rundeck's filesystem-based log reader is used by default.
To learn how to develop your own Logging plugin see Plugin Developer Guide - Logging Plugin.
# Rotation of service.log (Linux)
Required: logrotate
installed in system.
# Create logrotate configuration file
cat << EOF > /etc/logrotate.d/theRundeckLog
/var/log/rundeck/service.log {
su root root
rotate 7
create 640 root adm
Full documentation and examples can be seen with man logrotate
# Create cron schedule as needed, i.e monthly rotation
echo "@monthly root logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/theRundeckLog" >> /etc/crontab
# Test rotation rules and configurations
logrotate --debug --force /etc/logrotate.d/theRundeckLog
Output should be seen as
reading config file theRundeckLog
Allocating hash table for state file, size 15360 B
Handling 1 logs
rotating pattern: /var/log/rundeck/service.log after 1 days (7 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
considering log /var/log/rundeck/service.log
New service.log backups should be created within service.log directory
# Rotation of service.log (Windows)
Method 1: Powershell script
# SERVICE.LOG ROTATION CONFIGS ########################
$Verbose = "true" # true | false
$SkipClear = "true" # true | false # skip clearing service.log for testing
$Every = "month" # start | hour | day | month | size
$MaxCount = 5 # limit of files to rotate
$MaxSize = 2MB # limit of file size to rotate
$LogPath = ".\var\logs"
$LogFile = "service.log"
$RotationFile = "rotation.log"
$RundeckBat = "rundeckd.bat"
$RundeckService = "rundeckd"
$ServiceLog = "$LogPath\$LogFile"
$RotationLog = "$LogPath\$RotationFile"
$WorkingDir = (Get-Location).Path
$DateNow = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddhhmmss
$Launcher = "$Launcher -jar $RundeckWar"
$ZipLogs = Get-ChildItem -Path $LogPath -Filter "*.zip"
Function RotateLog($Log) {
Try {
$MessageSuccess = "$DateNow - ROTATION SUCCESSFUL [$Every] : $ServiceLog-$DateNow.zip"
$MessageFailed = "$DateNow - ROTATION FAILED [$Every] : $Log is being used or not found"
Compress-Archive -Path "$Log" -DestinationPath "$ServiceLog-$DateNow.zip" -CompressionLevel Optimal -Force
if ($SkipClear.ToLower() -EQ "false") { Clear-Content -Path $ServiceLog -Force }
Add-Content -Value $MessageSuccess -Path $RotationLog -Encoding Utf8 -Force
if ($Verbose.ToLower() -EQ "true") { Write-Output "$MessageSuccess" }
} Catch {
Add-Content -Value $MessageFailed -Path $RotationLog -Encoding Utf8 -Force
if ($Verbose.ToLower() -EQ "true") { Write-Output "$MessageFailed" }
Function RotateByTime($Time) {
ForEach ($Log in $ZipLogs) {
if ($Log.Name.Contains((Get-Date -Format "$Time"))) {
Expand-Archive -Path "$LogPath\$Log" -DestinationPath "$ENV:TEMP\$LogFile-temp" -Force
Add-Content -Value (Get-Content -Path "$ENV:TEMP\$LogFile-temp\$LogFile") -Path "$ENV:TEMP\$LogFile" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$ENV:TEMP\$LogFile-temp" -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$LogPath\$Log" -Force
if ((Test-Path -Path "$ENV:TEMP\$LogFile") -EQ $true) {
Remove-Item -Path "$ENV:TEMP\$LogFile" -Force
} else { RotateLog("$ServiceLog") }
Function RotateBySize {
if (((Get-ChildItem -Path "$ServiceLog").Length / 1MB) -GT ($MaxSize / 1MB)) {
Function DoRotation {
# start
if ($Every.ToLower() -EQ "start") { if (($ZipLogs).Count -LT $MaxCount) { RotateLog("$ServiceLog") } }
# hourly
if ($Every.ToLower() -EQ "hour") { RotateByTime("yyyyMMddhh") }
# daily
if ($Every.ToLower() -EQ "day") { RotateByTime("yyyyMMdd") }
# monthly
if ($Every.ToLower() -EQ "month") { RotateByTime("yyyyMM") }
# size
if ($Every.ToLower() -EQ "size") { RotateBySize }
# IMPORTANT: Windows will lock service.log file while in use by Rundeck. Must be done when service is down.
# before starting rundeck service
Start-Service -Name $RundeckService
# after terminating rundeck service
Stop-Service -Name $RundeckService
Method 2: LogRotateWin
(Windows version of logrotate)
Download from official repo, install in system https://sourceforge.net/projects/logrotatewin/files/
# Create logrotate configuration file
C:\Rundeck\var\log\service.log {
rotate 7
Full documentation and examples can be seen in https://sourceforge.net/p/logrotatewin/wiki/LogRotate/
# Create task schedule as needed, i.e
C:\> SCHTASKS /TN RundeckRotation /SC DAILY /ST 00:00 /TR "logrotate C:\LogRotateConfigs\Rundeck.conf"
# Test rotation rules and configurations
C:\> logrotate --debug --force C:\LogRotateConfigs\Rundeck.conf
Output should be seen as
reading config file C:\LogRotateConfigs\Rundeck.conf
Allocating hash table for state file, size 15360 B
Handling 1 logs
rotating pattern: C:\Rundeck\var\log\service.log after 1 days (7 rotations)
empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
considering log C:\Rundeck\var\log\service.log
New service.log backups should be created within service.log directory