SCM Plugins


SCM Plugins come in two flavors: ScmExport and ScmImport.

Allows exporting Job changes.
Allows importing Job changes.

The two types can be combined or used separately.


Each Project can enable a single ScmImport and/or ScmExport plugin.

This is done in the SCM Configuration page in the Rundeck GUI.

Alternately, you can use the Rundeck API - SCM.

SCM Configuration for a project is not stored in the configuration contents.

Java Plugin Type

  • Note: Refer to Java Development for information about developing a Java plugin for Rundeck.

The plugin interface is ScmExportPluginFactory. This factory type should produce a ScmExportPlugin object.

The plugin interface is ScmImportPluginFactory. This factory type should produce a ScmImportPlugin object.


For the basics of plugin localization see: Plugin Development - Plugin Localization.

Message Codes

In addition to the basic plugin message codes, SCM Plugins can have multiple "input views" with a set of properties, as well as a set of "setup" properties. The codes for these properties can be defined in your "" file using the following patterns:

  • Title for setup property named "NAME"
  • Description for setup property named "NAME"
  • action.ID.title Title for action view with ID "ID"
  • action.ID.description Description for action view with ID "ID"
  • action.ID.buttonTitle Button Title for action view with ID "ID"
  • Title for property named "NAME" for action view with ID "ID"
  • Description for property named "NAME" for action view with ID "ID"


The Git Plugin bundled with rundeck provides an example.

View: Git Plugin Source.