Enterprise Quickstart

What is Rundeck?

Rundeck is an open source web app that lets system operators repeatably and securely execute operations procedures in production and other environment contexts.

What is Rundeck Enterprise?

What differentiates Rundeck Enterprise from the OSS Rundeck version is . . . .

How can I try out Rundeck Enterprise?

Note: this setup is meant for evaluating Rundeck on your local workstation. For a guide to setting up Rundeck Enterprise in production see Installation.

  1. Fill out the download form to access the download page.

  2. Click on ➤ Cluster and click on the the file ending in .jar to start the download.

  3. Once the download is finished verify that the file's checksum matches the expected checksum:

    shasum -a 1 ~/Downloads/rundeckpro-launcher-cluster-3.1.0-20190731.jar
  4. Run the .jar file:

    java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024m -jar ~/Downloads/rundeckpro-launcher-cluster-3.1.0-20190731.jar
  5. Once you see something similar to following log output, you know the server is ready:

    2018-04-23 16:18:58.889:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@2dcf960d{HTTP/1.1}{}
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:4440/ in a browser

  7. Log in with the username admin and password admin

Rundeck Enterprise is now running on your workstation for you to evaluate!

Encrypted key/config storage

Encrypted key/config storage enabled by default. The default encryption algorithm is stronger than the “Default JCE Policy” used in earlier versions of Java 1.8

Note: If you receive an error message about encryption policy strength with creating projects or keys you will need to upgrade your Java 1.8 version, or set the encryption algorithm in rundeck-config.properties to a lower strength algorithm such as PBEWithMD5AndDES

Further information about encrypted key/config storage on this link.

What is next?

Next, learn how to create your first Rundeck Enterprise project