Clone VM Workflow Step
This workflow step plugin clones existing VMs.
- Source VM Name: VM Name that will be clone
- New VM Name: Destination VM Name
- DataCenter: DataCenter Name. If the DataCenter is not set, the VM will be searching on the root folder
Authentication Options
- URL Server: URL of the Server, eg: https://vmware-server
- Username: Login Username
- Password: Username Password
- Ignore SSL certificate: Connecting with the server ignoring the SSL certificate. If this is false, you will need to add the certificate to the truststore (see here).
Create VM Workflow Step
This workflow step plugin creates a new VM.
- Source VM Name: VM Name that will be clone
- DataCenter Name: DataCenter name where the new VM will be created
- VMWare Host: (Optional) If the host is not defined, it will take the first on the DataCenter
- DataStore Name: (Optional) If DataStore, it will take one from the host
- Network Name: Network name of the new VM
- NIC Name: NIC Name of the new VM
- Memory Size (MB): Memory Size of the new VM
- Number CPU: Number CPU of the new VM
- Guest OS ID: Guest OS ID of the new VM
- Disk Type: Disk Type (persistent, independent_persistent)
- Disk Size (MB): Size of the new disk (MB)
- ISO file: (Optional) If this field is defined, the VM will mount this disk (format “[datastore] path”)
- Power ON: Power ON after the VM is created
Authentication Options
- URL Server: URL of the Server, eg: https://vmware-server
- Username: Login Username
- Password: Username Password
- Ignore SSL certificate: Connecting with the server ignoring the SSL certificate. If this is false, you will need to add the certificate to the truststore (see here).
Re-Config VM Workflow Step
This workflow step plugin re-config a VM.
- Source VM Name: VM Name that will be modify
- DataCenter Name: DataCenter Name. If the DataCenter is not set, the VM will be searching on the root folder
- Memory Size (MB): new Memory Size
- Number CPU: new CPU number
- Network Operation: Add or Remove network device
- Network Name: Network Name to add or remove
- Disk Operation: Add or Remove disk device
- Disk Name: Disk Name to add or remove
- Disk Type: Disk Type of the new disk
- Disk Size: Disk Size (MB) of the new disk
Authentication Options
- URL Server: URL of the Server, eg: https://vmware-server
- Username: Login Username
- Password: Username Password
- Ignore SSL certificate: Connecting with the server ignoring the SSL certificate. If this is false, you will need to add the certificate to the truststore (see here).