The VMWare resource model plugin gets the VMs from a VSphere ESXi server or VCenter Server as Rundeck Nodes.

Configuration Options:

  • Custom Mapping:

The custom mapping option allows you to get custom/default node attribute based on Vmware API values. Add custom mappings in the form attributeName.selector=vmAttribute or attributeName.default=value, separated by new line.

For example, to add a status attribute based on a VM’s attribute, you can use status.selector=guest.guestState

To create an attribute based on concatenated fields, used comma to concatenated them:,vm.dataCenter

Custom tags can be added based on VM’s attributes, for example tags.selector=guest.guestState,guest.toolsStatus

Default values can be added using attributeName.default=format.

Also, the default values can be used per osFamily value, for example:, username.linux.default=root

Example of a custom mapping:


In case you work on multiples Data-Center environment, you can use the Data-Center name as part of the node name, to avoid duplicate nodes from VMs that has the same name. For example, add this on the custom mapping:,vm.dataCenter

  • Just Running VMs.: Filter by running vms
  • DataCenter: (Optional) filter by DataCenter. Leave it blank for all DataCenters
  • Display attribute with subgroups: Display node attribute with subgroups (format group.subgroup)
  • Attributes group: List attributes group to display of the VMs. Options are: Guest,Config,Runtime,Summary

Authentication Options:

  • URL Server: URL of the Server, eg: https://vmware-server
  • Username: Login Username
  • Password: Username Password
  • Ignore SSL certificate: Connecting with the server ignoring the SSL certificate. If this is false, you will need to add the certificate to the truststore.

Connecting using Certificate

For now, to verify the certificate you need to add it to the truststore of Rundeck or Java:

  • get the certificate from VSphere/VCenter Server:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect server:443
  • put the certificate on a file, for example: vmware-vm.cert

Certificates are PEM encoded and start with -BEGIN CERTIFICATE-- end with --END CERTIFICATE-- inclusive.

  • Add the certificate to the truststore
keytool -import -alias WmWare-cert -file vmware-vm.cert -keystore  $RDECK_BASE/etc/truststore -storepass adminadmin

For Rundeck launcher, the truststore file will be located on $RDECK_BASE/etc/, for deb/rpm package will be located on /etc/rundeck/ssl/

  • (Optional) You can also add the certificate to the JVM
keytool -import -alias WmWare-cert -file vmware-vm.cert -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit