Execution history for commands and Jobs is stored by the Rundeck server. Execution history can be filtered and viewed inside the "Activity" page.
Activity page
By default, the Activity page will list running executions and history recent executions. The page contains a filter control that can be used to expand or limit the executions.
The filter form contains a number of fields to limit search:
.History filter form
After filling the form pressing the "Filter" button, the page will display executions matching the search.
It is also possible to search for activity between dates. Press the "Other..." menu choice to bring up the form.
Extended date range search
Filters can be saved to a menu that makes repeating searches more convenient. Click the "save this filter..." link to save the filter configuration.
Information for each execution contains the command or Job executed, options, success status and a link to a file containing all the output messages.
Execution view
If any errors occurred, the "Node Failure Count" column will show the number of nodes in red text. A bar chart indicates the percent failed.
Execution view
If configured, an RSS icon provides a link to an RSS view of the events that match the current filtering criteria.
RSS link
If you have access, you can click the "Bulk Delete" button to enable bulk-edit mode.
Activity page bulk delete
Select the Executions you want to delete by clicking on them. You can also click on the "Toggle all", "Select All" or "Select None" links to change the selection.
Activity page bulk edit mode
Click the "Delete Selected Executions", and confirm to delete the executions.
Activity page bulk delete confirm