The The Rundeck Enterprise product name has been changed to PagerDuty Process Automation. Rundeck Cloud has changed to PagerDuty Runbook Automation. For more info click here
In February, JFrog announced that it would be ending their Bintray distribution service. The official download distributions of Rundeck are now available on a new hosting service. See below for full details about new repository sources and guidance about signing keys. Any automation that your team has created utilizing Rundeck’s Bintray repositories will need to be updated prior to May 1st, 2021.
Rundeck has rotated the signing key used to sign release packages. All previously released
deb, rpm, and war packages have been re-signed and uploaded. The new public key can be found here in the Rundeck packaging repo(opens new window).
The quick setup script(opens new window) will configure the Process Automation repository,
import the new repository signing key, and update apt. Legacy configuration
will be replaced.
The quick setup script(opens new window) will configure the Rundeck Community repository,
import the new repository signing key, and update apt. Legacy configuration
will be replaced.