The The Rundeck Enterprise product name has been changed to PagerDuty Process Automation. Rundeck Cloud has changed to PagerDuty Runbook Automation. For more info click here
The ServiceNow® Node Source brings CMDB entries into Rundeck as Nodes. This exercise shows how to configure and use some key features of that Node Source.
This exercise configures the ServiceNow® Node Source with a Custom Filter from the ServiceNow® CMDB.
ServiceNow® Steps
Login to your ServiceNow® instance
In the Module Explorer navigate to Configuration > Severs > All or type cmdb_ci.list in the Filter Navigator box.
Filter the CMDB entries as needed for your Node Source. In our example we have filtered for entries names that start with node.
In the filter bar right click the last entry in the filter breadcrumbs list and choose Copy Query
Rundeck Steps
Open Welcome Project > Project Settings > Edit Nodes
Click Add a new Node Source + button
Choose ServiceNow Resource Model Source
Enter values for Sever URL, Username, Password (or supply Password Path to Key Store entry)
Paste the Query string from the ServiceNow® steps above. Our example uses nameSTARTSWITHnode
Click Save
Use the arrow buttons to put the ServiceNow® Node Source above the Node Wizard.
Navigate to the Nodes area and search .* to show the SN nodes.
Since we previously completed the Creating Nodes Tutorial to add node1 and node2 and were able to add corresponding entries to our demo ServiceNow® Instance the nodes were merged. Moving the ServiceNow® entry to the top allowed our settings from the Node Wizard entry to drive the settings.
Field Mappings
Add some values to the Asset Tag fields on your ServiceNow® entries.
Add the following text to the ServiceNow® Node Source Mapping Params: asset-tag.selector=asset_tag
Refresh the Nodes List.
The Asset Tag (asset-tag) entry is now an attribute on the Node.