# Release 3.4.10
Name: "Papadum green grain" Release Date: January 18, 2022
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Check out the new features and enhancements for Rundeck Enterprise and Rundeck Community included in this release.
# Overview
This release updates both Community and Enterprise with the latest Log4J to address CVE-2021-44832 by updating it to 2.17.1
Our Enterprise version now has the ability to reset Local User passwords by sending them an email with a reset link rather than setting the password directly on the account. Check out the docs here
# Enterprise Updates
- Password Reset feature implementation
- Bugfix where Webhook debug panel(s) may be blank on some Webhook Processors
- Fix issue where Scheduler Forecast was not working properly
# Core Product Updates
- Fix create project button position in first run (opens new window)
- Add command line -m option to run db migrations then stop the app (opens new window)
- Update log4J to 2.17.1 (opens new window)
- Fixes Project Nav Remains when View All Projects link is clicked # (opens new window)
- Fix: job edit node selector not quoting right (opens new window)
- Export to another instance fix (opens new window)
- Fixed ldap user information on profile (opens new window)
- Fix: Job options misbehaviors when reordering/duplicating (opens new window)
- Updating cache to save executions and activities (opens new window)
- Allows file option uploaded for execution to be reused when retry execution feature is enabled. (opens new window)
- Plugin date parsing fails in non-english locale (opens new window)
- Auth resource access refactor (opens new window)
Here is a link to the full list of public PRs (opens new window)
# Staff Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- Imad Jafir (imad6639)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Rodrigo Navarro (ronaveva)
- Carlos Eduardo (carlosrfranco)
- Miguel Ramos (mishingo)
- Christopher McCarroll-Gilbert (chrismcg14)
- Jason Qualman (qualman)
- Alexander Abarca (alexander-variacode)
- Alberto Hormazabal Cespedes (ahormazabal)
- Leonel Juarez (L2JE)
- Forrest Evans (fdevans)