# Release 3.2.7
Name: "nacho deepskyblue plane"
# Overview
Our 3.2.7 release contains some great fixes and enhancements and a special preview of things to come! Read below about everything included.
# Enhanced Event Viewer - BETA
As we get closer to a larger release we are looking for your help and feedback. Some customers brought to our attention that the legacy Event Log Viewer was in need of some enhancements. Our Development team heard them and has answered the call. Enabled by default in this release you will find a Beta version of the new and improved Event Viewer. Here’s a few tid-bits on the benefits:
- Increases output log loading speed 1000% over 20k lines.
- Linear loading performance up to 100k lines.
- The log viewer no longer ties up your browser while loading large files.
- Ability to share a link directly to a log output line number.
- Light and Dark Modes.
- Persists setting preferences in browser for use between loads.

This is just a beta release. We have tried to catch as many bugs as we can, but if there is something please provide feedback by sending an email to product@rundeck.com. The fully vetted version will be out mid-summer.
Note: If you do not want the Beta running in your environment you can add the following settings:
For war/rpm/deb add to rundeck-config.properties
For Docker set the following environment variables:
# Tune Up
Along with the Event Viewer we have done quite the tune up under the hood. Many of the core packages that Rundeck is built on have been updated to more recent versions. With this comes enhanced security and benefits. Spring Security libraries, Docker base components, and Vue packages have all gotten some much needed TLC. Check out the full list below.
# Critical Bug Fix
This release fixes a bug in versions 3.2.4 - 3.2.6 that could have an impact on your jobs. Below are the specific details and how we’ve addressed it in 3.2.7.
If a Project containing Jobs using the Ruleset Workflow Strategy Plugin is imported the ruleset code will be corrupted during the import process and the job will (attempt) to run without applying the ruleset.
- The bug does not affect Rulesets written directly in the GUI, only imported jobs with Rulesets.
- Exports within the affected versions function properly, but subsequent imports will corrupt the ruleset code.
- The Ruleset Workflow Strategy Plugin is only available in the Enterprise version of Rundeck. OpenSource is not affected by this bug.
Good news, your rulesets aren’t lost forever.
- After upgrading to 3.2.7 any currently corrupted rulesets that exist in the database will be fixed upon start of Rundeck.
- This version is fixed such that the import process no longer corrupts rulesets.
- In the rare case that a corrupted ruleset was exported attempting to reimport to 3.2.7 will fail. If you have exported projects/jobs from 3.2.4-6 it is recommended that you overwrite those exports after upgrading to 3.2.7.
# Issues
Milestone 3.2.7 (opens new window)
- Fix execution stats lockmode (opens new window)
- Docker - Fix default value for config storage converter path (opens new window)
- Docker - Refresh base image and update remco (opens new window)
- Update grails spring security plugin to 3.3.1 (opens new window)
- Add the ability to refresh the user summary page using the event bus (opens new window)
- Prevent attempt to schedule jobs on a quartz scheduler that is shutdown (opens new window)
- Update user summary menu item to use a spring bean. (opens new window)
- Fixing the job import process where the ruleset strategy was not saved correctly (opens new window)
- Fix imported jobs referenced by UUID instead of name (opens new window)
- Handle tags with null values on parser of node resource files in json format (opens new window)
- Fix asUser on retry job (opens new window)
- Jobs migrated from Rundeck2 to Rundeck 3 have "search by UUID" option set by default. (opens new window)
- Clean up duplicate LogFileStorageRequest entries at startup (opens new window)
- Project storage SPI (opens new window)
- Docker - Refresh image (opens new window)
- Fix #5938 error when logging in with empty credentials. (opens new window)
- resource model Format: resourcejson does not load big files (opens new window)
- Fix #5979 update ui-trellis to support markdown extended property descriptions (opens new window)
- Add an invalid key pattern to avoid characters like space on log filter key (opens new window)
- Remove legacy node config UI (opens new window)
- Docker - Make /etc/passwd group writable (opens new window)
- Rd authorization libs (opens new window)
- Upgrade vue-scrollto from 2.15.0 to 2.17.1 (opens new window)
- Upgrade vue-fuse from 2.0.2 to 2.2.0 (opens new window)
- Upgrade vue2-filters from 0.3.0 to 0.9.1 (opens new window)
- Bugfix: close logread in tailExecutionOutput (opens new window)
- Retry Execution API: api/33/[JOBID]/retry/[EXECID] requires runAs permission (opens new window)
- Docker - Set uid in passwd for OpenShift support (opens new window)
- Beta Execution output viewer (opens new window)
# Contributors
- Christoph Hille (hille721)
- David Terrell (dbt)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime (jtobard)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Greg Zapp (ProTip)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)
- carlos
# Bug Reporters
- ProTip
- carlosrfranco
- cwaltherf
- dbt
- elioe
- gschueler
- hille721
- jairov4
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- sjrd218