# Version 2.6.5
# Release 2.6.5
Date: 2016-04-15
Name: "cafe bonbon forestgreen paperclip"
# Notes
Primarily bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Startup time improved for Rundeck installs with many (thousands) of projects
- Fixes for node sources and asynchronous node loading
- new healthcheck for database latency
# Contributors
- Bharadwaj P (t20)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
# Bug Reporters
- ahonor
- david-gregory-inmar
- fiquett
- gschueler
- hyuan-esol
- jippi
- joshuaspence
- ltamaster
- nilroy
- t20
# Issues
- healthcheck: add database pingtime healthcheck (opens new window)
- API enhancement: takeover schedule for a single job (opens new window)
- Error connecting to OpenSSH 7.2p2. server (opens new window)
- Throw SSHProtocolFailure error when SSH to a remote machine running OpenSSH 7.2p2 (opens new window)
- Job execution error in log after schedule takeover (opens new window)
- Request to /scheduler/takeover for all jobs should skip already owned jobs (opens new window)
- Response for /scheduler/takeover indicates prior owner's server uuid (opens new window)
- SSH: when node has blank hostname, it attempts to connect to localhost. (opens new window)
- rd-jobs list export schedule.time.hour wrong (opens new window)
- Slow startup due to incomplete log storage requests (opens new window)
- (2.6.4) Create project fails after second submit (opens new window)
- fix #1744 first node load is synchronous (opens new window)
- fix #1764 slow home page with many projects (opens new window)
- Slow main page with many projects (opens new window)
- Nodes list error when the remoteUrl is defined (opens new window)
- spurious "removeScriptPluginCache: /var/lib/rundeck/libext/cache/..." message (opens new window)
- GUI enhancement: show owner server UUID for scheduled jobs (opens new window)
- API enhancement: cluster mode ability to find server UUID for scheduled jobs (opens new window)
- Initial resource model loading is not asynchronous (opens new window)
- unable to save jobs when notification plugin used (opens new window)
- Upgrade Apache Commons Collections to v3.2.2 (opens new window)
- After 2.6.3 upgrade, nodes are not updated (opens new window)
- Incomplete log file storage request should be cancelled after final retry, or retriable via API (opens new window)
- Listing Running Executions API, "Total" error value using wildcard ("*") in the URL (opens new window)
- In the summary page, a failed node reports failure on the wrong step (2.5.3-1) (opens new window)
- MailNotificationPlugin.groovy does not work with rundeck 2.5.2 (opens new window)