# Single SignOn (SSO) - Azure Active Directory
Rundeck can be configured to use Azure Active Directory authentication by registering a new application in Azure Active Directory and configuring PagerDuty Process Automation to use it.
# Configuring Azure Active Directory
# Azure - Create a new app registration
The first thing to do is create a new application registration in Azure.

- Begin by opening Azure Active Directory in a browser
- Select "App registrations" on the left
- Select "+ New registration" near the top

- Enter "PagerDuty Process Automation On-Prem" for the Name (or any name you like)
- Leave the default selection for the Support account types
- Select "Web" for the Redirect URI type
- Enter "https://<paop.company.com>/login/oauth2/code/azure" for the Redirect URI
Note: This URL should be your PagerDuty Process Automation URL - Select "Register" at the bottom
# Azure - Add the required application permissions
Next, add the required permissions in Azure.

- Select "API permissions" on the left
- Select "+ Add a permission"
- Select "Microsoft Graph" as the permission type
- Select "Delegated permissions"
- Select "email" to enable the permission
- Select "openid" to enable the permission
- Select "profile" to enable the permission
- Select "Add permission" at the bottom

- Select "API permissions" on the left
- Select "+ Add a permission"
- Select "Microsoft Graph" as the permission type
- Select "Application permissions"
- Enter "Directory.Read.AlL" in the search box
- Select "Directory" to expand it
- Select "Directory.Read.All" under Directory to enable the permission
- Select "Add permission" at the bottom
# Azure - Create the Application Secret
Next, create an application secret (ID & passsword) that will be used in the Rundeck configuration. Note, if you lose the secret value/password, you can delete the existing secret and create a new one.

- Select "Certificates & secrets" on the left
- Select "+ New client secret"
- Enter "PagerDuty Process Automation On-Prem" for the Description (or any name you choice)
- Select "Add" at the bottom

- Copy the Value and store it someplace. You will use it as the clientSecret (password) when configuring Rundeck. (Hint: use the Copy to clipboard button)
- Copy the Secret ID and store it someplace. You will use it as the clientID when configuring Rundeck. (Hint: use the Copy to clipboard button)
# Azure - Get the "Directory (tenant) ID"
Last, capture the Directory (tenant) ID to use in configuring Rundeck.

- Click "Overview" on the left
- Copy the "Directory (tenant) ID" and store it someplace. You will use it in the URL when configuring Rundeck. (Hint: use the Copy to clipboard button)
# Configure Rundeck to use Azure Active Directory for Authentication
Azure Active Directory integration is configured mainly within the rundeck-config.properties
file. Below are the required and optional settings to be added. Be sure to substitute your Directory (tenant) ID, Secret ID and Value (Password) that you previously saved. After making the changes to the config file, a server restart is required.
# rundeck-config.properties: Azure SSO
rundeck.sso.loginButton.title=Login with Azure
# Define the Azure scopes to map
rundeck.security.oauth.azure.scope=openid email profile https://graph.microsoft.com/Directory.Read.All
# Map Azure user detail attributes
# Optional: The follow can be used to make the Azure AD email address as the username
# which enables you to use the email address as the username in ACL policies
And in framework.properties
# framework.properties: Azure SSO
# Map Azure groups by default (can be commented out if not mapping group permissions)
# Important: First Login Approval
Upon first login to Rundeck using Azure SSO an Azure Admin level user will need to consent to the Directory.Read.All
permission. Make sure to click the checkbox that asks to consent for the whole organization.
# Note: Azure Groups
By default, Azure does not send group information in the SSO token. To get a user’s groups the Rundeck plugin uses the MS Graph API to get user/group information. Using this requires additional API permissions that were setup in the App Registration. The default config file settings enables group mapping.
# Note: firstname, lastname and email attribute mapping
If your Azure Active Directory attributes are non-standard, you can specify the correct attribute values to use. You can verify the values by selecting the person icon in the upper right corner after logging in, and selecting Profile. If you see NOT SET for any fields, you will need to correct the attribute mappings to your custom settings.
# Note: Debugging tips
If you are having trouble with the Azure SSO integration, these additional config file entries will generate helpful debugging information. Adding the following lines to the log4j2.propertie
* file will produce additional debugging output in the services.log
# log4j2.properties | SSO logging
# Note: Azure Government
The Azure Groups plugin uses the MS Graph API endpoint to gather the groups. By default it will use the endpoint https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/
. For some Azure environments (Government, etc.) a different endpoint may be needed. (more info (opens new window))
The endpoint can be changed using the following setting using Configuration Management or the framework.properties
# framework.properties: Change the default endpoint