# Remote Job Execution
Available in PagerDuty Process Automation products
# Cluster Remote Execution
This feature allows Process Automation cluster members to forward job executions to other cluster members based on a policy configuration. By default, each member of the cluster executes jobs locally and does not forward them. You can define multiple profiles and assign different projects to different profiles. If a job is executed in a project which is not assigned to a specific profile, the default policy is used.
Configure the following remote execution policy parameters in rundeck-config.properties
Definitions on this page are case-sensitive. Copy and paste the code to ensure no typos.
# Policy
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.policy = <Policy>
Choose from the following <Policy>
- Default. Executes locally onlyRandom
- Executes randomly among allowed membersRoundRobin
- Executes round-robin style among allowed membersPreset
- Executes on one other preset memberLoad
- Executes on a member based on load (Requires Enterprise Cluster 2.3.0 or a later release. See Enable Load Balanced Policy)
# List of Allowed Members
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowed = <List of Allowed Members>
The <List of Allowed Members>
determines additional cluster members that the policy can execute on. Enter values separated by a comma:
- Execute locallyOther
- Any other member except this oneUUID
- A particular UUID/regex/
- A regular expression matching a UUID
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowed = Self,/1C519C5A-4E78-4BE9-85EC-.+/
The example configuration shows Self and a regular expression combined.
# List of Member Tags
The <List of Member Tags>
parameter allows you to restrict the remote Cluster Members by using tags. The tags are similar to Node Tags. The special tag, Self, is automatically only assigned to the local cluster node. Set tags for a cluster member in the framework.properties file.
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowedTags = <List of Member Tags>
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.preferredTags = <List of Member Tags>
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.activeOnly = true/false
Allowed Tags policy is configured in a similar way, using comma-separated allowed values, or +
separated tags, which require all tags. The example defines Round Robin execution on any other cluster member tagged as worker or secondary.
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.policy = RoundRobin
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowed = Other
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowedTags = worker,secondary
Use Preferred Tags to indicate that certain members are preferred. When Preferred Tags are defined, and some of the allowed members match those tags, the Preferred Members will be used. If no Preferred Members are available, the policy falls back to the Allowed Members that are available.
This configuration defines Allowed Tags and Preferred Tags for Round Robin execution on any worker or secondary members, if available. Otherwise, use Round Robin on all other members.
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.policy = RoundRobin
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowed = Other
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.allowedTags = *
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.preferredTags = worker,secondary
# Profile Name
Define additional profiles by name:
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profiles = profile1, profile2
# Project Name
Assign projects to a profile by name:
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.profile1.projects=projectA, projectB
The following example defines a policy type and configuration for profile1:
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.profile1.policy= <Policy>
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.profile1.config.allowed = <List of Allowed Members>
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.profile1.config.allowedTags = <List of Member Tags>
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.profile1.config.preferredTags = <List of Member Tags>
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.profile1.config.activeOnly = true/false
# Preset Policy
Enterprise customers have the ability to forward job executions to other cluster members based on a policy (None, Random, RoundRobin, Preset, and Load). The preset option offers you the ability to execute on another member of the cluster, that is predefined. If you choose to use the preset policy, then you need to specify that you want to use the preset policy, and on top of that you need to specify the UUID of the cluster member which you would like the execution to be performed on.
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.activeOnly = true
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profiles =Linux
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.profile.Linux.projects=Example, Test1, Test2
# Load Balanced Execution Policy
This feature allows Process Automation cluster members to forward job executions to other cluster members based on statistics calculated by the heartbeat process of each cluster member. Load is calculated for each member based on thread ratio and the percentage of CPU.
Note: You must be running Process Automation 2.3.1 or a later release to use this feature.
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.criteria = threadRatio,load
Each criteria can be weighted using a relative value:
rundeck.clusterMode.remoteExecution.config.weights = 1.0,1.5
Cluster members are sorted by the weighted load and placed into groups. Each group is given a weight, and the policy randomly chooses a group based on the proportional weight of the group. A member of the group is chosen randomly and used.
The example defines four groups, each with 25% of the members. The weights define 100% chance of the first group being used.
# Cluster Remote Execution with Secure Options
When forwarding executions which include Secure Options, option values will be delivered between cluster members using encrypted messaging by default.
This behavior and the encryption configuration can be changed configuring the following parameters in rundeck-config.properties
# Disable encrypted messaging
Set this property if you need to completely disable encrypted messaging between cluster members. (Default: enabled)
rundeck.clusterMode.messaging.encryption.enabled = false
Note: Jobs with secure options will NOT be remotely executed if encryption is disabled, falling back to local execution only.
# Configuring encryption parameters
Message encryption currently implements the CMS/PKCS#7 standard, using RSA as signature algorithm. You can configure many parameters for the encryption stack with the following properties. Note: All cluster instances must have the same cyphers configured in order to work properly.
Signature key size
Sets the key size to use for the RSA public/private key generation. Minimum key size supported is 512. (Default: 2048)
Signature Algorithm
Set the algorithms to use for the signature generation. (Default: SHA256withRSA)
Currently supported modes are:
- SHA1withRSA
- SHA224withRSA
- SHA256withRSA
- SHA384withRSA
- SHA512withRSA
- SHA512/224withRSA
- SHA512/256withRSA
- SHA3-224withRSA
- SHA3-256withRSA
- SHA3-384withRSA
- SHA3-512withRSA
Certificate Validity
Set the validity in days for the instance self-signed certificate. (default 10 years)
Encryption Algorithm
Specify the algorithm to use for content encryption. (Default: AES128_CBC)
Recommended cypher modes:
- AES256_CBC
- AES192_CBC
- AES128_CBC (default)
Other available cyphers: https://www.bouncycastle.org/docs/pkixdocs1.5on/org/bouncycastle/cms/CMSAlgorithm.html
Cleanup process for cluster remote execution messages
A property is available to set a timer to cleanup the remote execution messages when running on cluster mode. Unit of measure is in minutes with a default value of '30', in order to change this value, you need to add the following property in rundeck-config.properties file and set the desired value.
The user could want to change this value to keep a longer track of remote executions, for auditing or troubleshooting purposes.