# Using MySQL as a database backend


MySQL 5.6 is now End of Life. Rundeck will offer limited support on that version. The current recommendation is MySQL 8 for long term support.

# Install MySQL

Install MySQL using the installation guides here (opens new window)

# Configure MySQL

After install, run the mysql_secure_installation script (opens new window). This will prompt to set the root password for mysql, as well as disable anonymous access.

Set an appropriate innodb_buffer_pool_size (opens new window). MySQL, like many databases, manages its own page cache and the buffer pool size determines how much RAM it can use! Setting this to 80% of the system memory is the common wisdom for dedicated servers, maybe even higher if the server has more than 32G of RAM.

# MySQL 8.0

This is the recommended version of MySQL for Rundeck.

# MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 is in extended support but does not have the utf8mb4 as a default character set. Some parts of Rundeck will not work without this.

# MySQL 5.6

MySQL 5.6 is End-of-Life and no longer fully supported as a backend. Rundeck strongly recommends upgrading in-use instances of MySQL 5.6.

# Setup Rundeck Database

Next create a database and user access for the Rundeck server.

Use the 'mysql' command line tool to access the db as the root user:

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter the root password to connect. At the mysql> prompt, enter the following commands to create the rundeck database:

mysql> create database rundeck;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Next, create the MySQL user for the rundeck database:

mysql> create user 'rundeckuser'@'localhost' identified by 'rundeckpassword';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Then "grant" access to the new user, and specify the hostname the Rundeck server will connect from. if it is the same server, use "localhost".

mysql> grant ALL on rundeck.* to 'rundeckuser'@'localhost';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Exit the mysql prompt.

Test access (if it's from localhost) by running:

$ mysql -u rundeckuser -p

Verify the "rundeck" database is present using:

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| rundeck            |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# Configuring Rundeck

To configure Rundeck to connect to this DB.

Locate and edit the rundeck-config.properties to configure the datasource:

  • RPM/Debian location: /etc/rundeck/rundeck-config.properties
  • Launcher location: $RDECK_BASE/server/config/rundeck-config.properties


dataSource.driverClassName = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
dataSource.url = jdbc:mysql://mysql.rundeck.local/rundeck?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false
dataSource.username = rundeckuser
dataSource.password = rundeckpassword

Start rundeck. If there is a startup error about database access, ensure that the hostname that the Mysql server sees from the client is the same one granted access in step X.

NB: myserver , rundeckuser and rundeckpassword should be match the environment and mysql configuration. When Rundeck & MySQL-server are installed on one server, myserver is localhost. When Rundeck & MySQL-server are on different servers, myserver should be IP address or hostname of server which installed MySQL-server.

NB: autoReconnect=true will fix a common problem where the Rundeck server's connection to Mysql is dropped after a period of inactivity, resulting in an error message: "Message: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost."

See more about configuring the Mysql JDBC Connector/J URL (opens new window).

# MySQL JDBC Driver

This guide configures Rundeck to use the MariaDB Connector/J driver (opens new window). It is compatible with MySQL and has a more permissive, LGPL, license.

To use the Oracle MySQL driver download it and copy it to the $RDECK_BASE/server/lib for war launcher or in /var/lib/rundeck/lib (create it) for RPM and DEB installations.

The driver can be obtained from the MySQL Website (opens new window), or directly from Maven:

curl -L -o https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/${MYSQLJ_VERS}/mysql-connector-java-${MYSQLJ_VERS}.jar

# Additional Articles

Check out our Migrating to MySQL from H2 article in our Learning Section.