4.17.4 Release Notes
4.17.4 Release Notes
Name: "Basilisk yellowgreen globe" Release Date: December 13th, 2023
Check out the new features and enhancements for PagerDuty Process Automation (formerly Rundeck Enterprise) and PagerDuty Runbook Automation and Rundeck Community included in this release.
Process Automation Updates
Also includes all Open Source updates from below
This release fixes a bug in 4.17.3 with Large Log files causing instability on browsers and causig a crash.
Staff Contributors
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Alberto Hormazabal Cespedes (ahormazabal)
- Alexander Abarca (alexander-variacode)
- Antony Velasquez Ruiz (avelasquezr)
- Carlos Eduardo (carlosrfranco)
- Christopher McCarroll-Gilbert (chrismcg14)
- Darwis Narvaez (DarwisNarvaezDev)
- Forrest Evans (fdevans)
- Imad Jafir (imad6639)
- Jake Cohen (jsboak)
- Jason Brooks (jbrookspd)
- Jesus Osuna (Jesus-Osuna-M)
- Leonel Juarez (L2JE)
- Luis Toledo (ltamaster)
- Osman Albarran (Oalbarran94)
- Rodrigo Navarro (ronaveva)
- Sarah Martinelli Benedetti (smartinellibenedetti)
- Stephen Joyner (sjrd218)