Single SignOn - Okta
Single SignOn - Okta
Available in PagerDuty Process Automation Commercial products.
Process Automation can be configured to work with the Okta security platform.
To configure the Okta SSO plugin for Rundeck add a new application to your Okta Applications and then configure Rundeck to authenticate using Okta.
The Okta subscription must include access to the "Custom Auth Servers" functionality to setup SSO with Rundeck.
Okta Application Configuration
Login to the Okta web portal and configure a new application.
- Create a new web application.
- Configure the application with "Authorization Code" Grant type allowed.
- Add the following URL to
Login Redirect URIs
(it's possible to add more than one):<rundeck base url>/login/oauth2/code/okta
. Example:http://localhost:4440/login/oauth2/code/okta
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret provided by Okta for use in next section.
- Create groups with the same name as the roles configured on Rundeck. Map users to those groups.
- Under the API menu, open the Authorization Servers configuration and add a new claim with the following information:
- Name: groups
- Include in Token Type:
ID Token
- Value Types:
- Filter: Regex:
Rundeck configuration
After setup of the application in Okta, configure Rundeck to use that application.
Note: All of these settings can be configured using the Configuration Management feature (recommended) or
Add the login button to Rundeck
#These properties control the appearance and url of the button on the login page
rundeck.sso.loginButton.title=Login with Okta
Auto Configuration Method (3.3.0 and above)
#Enable the OAuth SSO feature
#The first two come from the Client Credentials section on your Application configuration page in Okta = (Okta Client ID) = (Okta Secret Key)
#Auto Configuration Url
#This is a url that will be appended with /.well-known/openid-configuration to retrieve the information needed to configure the OAuth2 connection = <okta service url>
#example =
# or if you are using a custom authorization server = <okta service url>/oauth2/<authServerId>
#example =
#This is the default scope setting. You can add additional scopes at the end of the line, separate it by spaces
# = openid profile email groups my_own_scope = openid profile email groups = YOUR_MAPPED_GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE
Manual Configuration Method
Add the following properties via Configuration Management (recommended) or
#Enable the OAuth SSO feature
#The first two come from the Client Credentials section on your Application configuration page in Okta = (Okta Client ID) = (Okta Secret Key)
#This group of properties requires you to replace the <okta service url> with the url provided by Okta for making api authorization calls
#<okta service url> might look something like:
#In your Okta web portal check API/Authorization Servers/Settings/Issuer to get this value = <okta service url>/v1/token = <okta service url>/v1/authorize = <okta service url>/v1/userinfo = <okta service url>/v1/keys
#This is the default scope setting. You can add additional scopes at the end of the line, separate it by spaces
# = openid profile email groups my_own_scope = openid profile email groups = YOUR_MAPPED_GROUPS_ATTRIBUTE
If setup is done using the
file, restart Rundeck.
SSO Login
Upon successful configuration of Okta and Rundeck there will be a new button on the Rundeck login page that says Login with Okta. By clicking this button users will be redirected to an Okta Login form that will be used to collect the user credentials. Once the user has logged in with their Okta credentials they will be redirected back to the home menu page in Rundeck.
Okta Group Plugin
If Active Directory is integrated into the Okta system, the setup for groups described above may not work. In this case it's possible to configure the Okta user group plugin that is packaged with Rundeck, to pull the user's group information from Okta via the Okta API.
Create an API key in Okta used to to make API requests.
Add the following properties to Configuration Management or your
framework.plugin.UserGroupSource.OktaGroupSource.apiToken=<api key>
framework.plugin.UserGroupSource.OktaGroupSource.oktaHostName=<okta host name>
#APP_GROUP is the way Okta denotes AD groups, if you want to also include Okta groups
#you could do the following:
If the plugin is enabled, when the user logs in, it will attempt to use the Okta user id out of the SSO token to pull that user's groups from Okta.