Using Postgres as a database backend
Using Postgres as a database backend
This is a simple guide for setting up PostgreSQL for use with Rundeck.
Enterprise DB (EDB), based on Postgres, is not supported for the Process Automation or Rundeck Postgres setup.
Install PostgreSQL
You can "yum install" or "apt-get install" the server, or you can download rpms manually if you like. See PostgreSQL installation
Setup Rundeck Database
We have to create the database and user for Rundeck.
If it is not running, start Postgres (with service postgresql-<version> start
or similar).
Switch to 'postgres' user and use the 'psql' commandline tool to access the db:
$ su postgres
$ psql
Once you have the 'postgres=#'' prompt, enter the following commands to create the rundeck database:
postgres=# create database rundeck;
Now, create a user and grant privileges to connect to this DB.
postgres=# create user rundeckuser with password 'rundeckpassword';
postgres=# grant ALL privileges on database rundeck to rundeckuser;
You can then exit the psql prompt.
You may also have to add a pg_hba.conf entry for this user. See pg_hba.conf documentation
Configure Rundeck
Now you need to configure Rundeck to connect to this DB as described in: Administrator Guide - Rundeck Configuration - Database - Customize the Datasource.
Update your
and configure the datasource:
dataSource.driverClassName = org.postgresql.Driver
dataSource.url = jdbc:postgresql://pgsql.rundeck.local/rundeck
dataSource.username = rundeckuser
dataSource.password = rundeckpassword
With recent Rundeck versions, PostgreSQL connector is bundled.
Now, you can start Rundeck.
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
Aurora PostgreSQL databases on versions below 15.3.0, display warnings unrecognized node type: 378
when processing queries, this is harmless since the queries are executed as expected but can be anoying for some users. See: Aurora PostgreSQL 15.3.0 updates page