# Version 2.7.0
# Release 2.7.0
Date: 2016-11-30
Name: "cafecito slateblue headphones"
# Upgrading from 2.6
- See the Upgrading Guide
# New Features
- Date input type for Job Options
- Job reference node interesect
- Old CLI tools removed. You can separately install rd (opens new window) to replace them.
- Jetty upgraded
- Filter activity by Node
- Override node filter at job execution time
# Contributors
- Andres Montalban (amontalban)
- David Schile
- Fabrice Bacchella
- GitHub (web-flow)
- Greg Schueler (gschueler)
- Jaime Tobar (jtobard)
- Jamie L. Penman-Smithson (jamieps)
- Pavol Gressa (pgressa)
- Rene Fragoso (ctrlrsf)
- ltamaster
# Bug Reporters
- adrianshum
- ahonor
- bajacondor
- ctrlrsf
- grafjo
- gschueler
- jasonhensler
- jbguerraz
- jquick
- jtobard
- ltamaster
- mathieuchateau
- pgressa
- williamh
# Issues
Milestone 2.7.0 (opens new window)
- Add executionType (opens new window)
- allow
url params to set option values (opens new window) - New documentation about how to install the launcher on windows (opens new window)
- Remove CLI tools for #2182 (opens new window)
- 2.6.10: Inline script token expansion breaking perl (opens new window)
- Remove old CLI tools (opens new window)
- API: POST to key storage can create root file (opens new window)
- Feature/jetty upgrade (opens new window)
- Node filter override breaks jobs with "execute locally" (opens new window)
- Takeover schedule API is timing out in rundeck 2.6.10 (opens new window)
- Align deb and rpm profile files (opens new window)
- Upgrade jetty to latest stable, 7.6.x or newer (opens new window)
- firefox GUI fix (opens new window)
- Why is parallelWorkflowStrategy in incubator for more than 2 years? (opens new window)
- Feature - override node filter (GUI enhancement) (opens new window)
- Add support for job reference node intersect (opens new window)
- rundeck CLI scripts naming (opens new window)
- Issue with disable schedule job on cluster (opens new window)
- Feature/node filter enhancements (opens new window)
- Replace old rundeck cli tools with modern version (opens new window)
- "run" and "dispatch" launchers are named too generically (opens new window)
- Add job.executionType context variable (opens new window)
- Disable option substitution into scripts (opens new window)
- Allow Node Filter to be provided on execution time (opens new window)
- This adds dattepicker functionality. (opens new window)
- - removing a step remove current one (opens new window)
- lots of non-multiple execution jobs can block starting jobs (opens new window)
- Feature Request: Filter activity by node (opens new window)
- Upgrade h2 lib to 1.4.187 (opens new window)