# Upgrading to Rundeck 3.2

See other Upgrading Documents if you are upgrading from 3.0 or earlier.

# Upgrading from Rundeck 3.0 Using Debian/RPM packaging

The value of framework.projects.dir in the default install of Rundeck 3.2 in the config file framework.properties has changed to:


Rundeck 3.0.x has this :


If before the upgrade the /var/rundeck/projects is NOT empty, 3.2 will start properly, but if /var/rundeck/projects is empty, it will be deleted and 3.2 won't start until you modify the proper line in framework.properties to be /var/lib/rundeck/projects.

An error with this message may occur in the Rundeck console at startup:

... nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: project base directory could not be created. /var/rundeck/projects

# Webhooks

Webhooks were feature flagged in 3.1.x and disabled by default

# Advanced Run Job (Enterprise)

The condition type matches has been renamed to equals. Webhooks using Advanced Run Job with matches conditions will need to be updated to work properly. These configurations can be updated by:

  • Loading the webhook in the UI, selecting equals on the approriate conditions, and then saving


  • Updating the webhooks configuration through the API