# Database Overview

# Default database

When you install the vanilla standalone rundeck configuration, it will use H2, an embedded database. It is convenient to have an embedded database when you are just trying Rundeck or using it for a non-critical purpose. Be aware though that using the H2 database is not considered safe for production because it not reslilient if Rundeck is not shutdown gracefully. When shutdown gracefully, Rundeck can write the data (kept in memory) to disk. If Rundeck is forcefully shutdown, the data can not be guaranteed to be written to file on disk and cause truncation and corruption.

Don't use the H2 embedded database for anything except testing and non-production.

Use an external database service like Mariadb, Mysql, Posgres or Oracle.

# Customize the Datasource

The dataSource is configured in the rundeck-config.properties file.

You specify the dataSource. configuration properties.

Here is the default, set up for the default embedded H2 database:

dataSource.dbCreate = update
dataSource.url = jdbc:h2:file:/var/lib/rundeck/data/grailsdb;MVCC=true

dataSource.dbCreate specifies how the behavior that Hibernate should take when it generates the schema for your database. The default value of update means that it will attempt to create the database schema if it does not exist, and update it if necessary if it already exists.

dataSource.url specifices the connection URL for the data source.

If necessary, you may have to specify other dataSource properties, such as username and password, depending on the type of database. See the sections below for your specific Database type.

# Add the JDBC Driver

Rundeck includes a JDBC driver for Mysql, MariaDB, Postgres, MSsql and H2. If you are using another database or if you want to use an updated driver, copy the appropriate JDBC driver, such as "ojdbc14.jar" for Oracle into the server lib dir:

cp ojdbc14.jar $RDECK_BASE/server/lib

For RPM and DEB you should create /var/lib/rundeck/lib folder and place the driver there.