# Configuration

# Configuration layout

Configuration file layout differs between the RPM and Launcher installation methods.

# DEB/RPM layout

├── admin.aclpolicy
├── apitoken.aclpolicy
├── artifact-repositories.yaml
├── cli-log4j.properties
├── framework.properties
├── jaas-loginmodule.conf
├── log4j.properties
├── profile
├── project.properties
├── realm.properties
├── rundeck-config.properties
├── rundeckpro-license.key
├── ssl
│   ├── ssl.properties
│   ├── keystore (not packaged)
│   └── truststore (not packaged)
├── system-job_reader.aclpolicy_template
├── system-job_runner.aclpolicy_template
├── system-job_viewer.aclpolicy_template
├── system-job_writer.aclpolicy_template
└── system-project_admin.aclpolicy_template

├── bootstrap
├── cli
├── data
├── libext
├── logs
├── projects
├── repository
├── var
└── work

# Launcher layout

├── admin.aclpolicy
├── apitoken.aclpolicy
├── cli-log4j.properties
├── framework.properties
├── preferences.properties
├── profile
├── profile.bat
└── project.properties

├── artifact-repositories.yaml
├── jaas-loginmodule.conf
├── log4j.properties
├── realm.properties
├── rundeck-config.properties
└── ssl.properties

# Configuration files

Configuration is specified in a number of standard Rundeck configuration files generated during the installation process.

The purpose of each configuration file is described in its own section.

# admin.aclpolicy

Administrator access control policy defined with a aclpolicy document.

This file governs the access for the "admin" group and role.

See role based access control for information about setting up policy files for other user groups.

# framework.properties

Configuration file used by shell tools and core Rundeck services. This file will be created for you at install time.

Some important settings:

  • framework.server.hostname: Hostname of the Rundeck server node
  • framework.server.name: Name (identity) of the Rundeck server node
  • framework.projects.dir: Path to the directory containing Rundeck Project directories. Default is $RDECK_BASE/projects.
  • framework.var.dir: Base directory for output and temp files used by the server and CLI tools. Default is $RDECK_BASE/var.
  • framework.logs.dir: Directory for log files written by core services and Rundeck Server's Job executions. Default is $RDECK_BASE/var/logs
  • framework.server.username: Username for connection to the Rundeck server
  • framework.server.password: Password for connection to the Rundeck server
  • framework.rundeck.url: Base URL for Rundeck server.

SSH Connection settings (See Projects - Node Execution - SSH):

  • framework.ssh.keypath: Path to the SSH private key file used for SSH connections
  • framework.ssh.user: Default username for SSH Connections, if not overridden by Node specific value.
  • framework.ssh-connection-timeout: timeout in milliseconds for SSH connections. The default is "0" (no timeout). You can modify this to change the connect/socket timeout. (Deprecated: framework.ssh.timeout.)
  • framework.ssh-command-timeout: timeout in milliseconds for SSH commands. The default is "0" (no timeout). You can modify this to change the maximum time allowed for SSH commands to run.

Other settings:

  • framework.log.dispatch.console.format: Default format for non-terse node execution logging run by the dispatch CLI tool.
  • execution.script.tokenexpansion.enabled: Whether inline script token expansion is enabled, default true. If false, the "Inline Script Content" syntax described in User Guide - Creating Job Workflows - Context Variables is disabled.
  • communityNews.disabled: Default is not set, or false. Disables the external polling of Community News feed. Link will persist but will not poll, and clicking this link will open a new browser tab and navigate to the web-based version of Community News.

Static authentication tokens for API access:

You can define the location of a .properties file in framework.properties:

  • rundeck.tokens.file=/etc/rundeck/tokens.properties

The tokens.properties file should contain static authentication tokens you wish to use, keyed by the associated username:

username: token_string
username2: token_string2

The token_strings can be used as Authentication tokens to the API.

# Global execution variables

Entries in framework.properties in the form framework.globals.X=Y Adds a variable X available in all execution contexts as ${globals.X}.

Global variables can be overridden in the project.properties by adding a line in the form of project.globals.X=Y and then accessing it as ${globals.X}.

# log4j.properties

Rundeck uses log4j as its application logging facility. This file defines the logging configuration for the Rundeck server.

# cli-log4j.properties

This file defines the logging configuration for the Commandline tools.

# profile

Shell environment variables used by the shell tools. This file contains several parameters needed during the startup of the shell tools like umask, Java home and classpath, and SSL options.

# project.properties

Rundeck project configuration file when using Filesystem based project definitions (see Project Setup - Project Definitions).

One of these is generated at project setup time. Each project has a directory within the Rundeck projects directory, and the config file is within the etc subdirectory:

Property Description
project.name Declare the project name.
project.ssh-authentication SSH authentication type (eg, privateKey).
project.ssh-keypath SSH identify file.
service.FileCopier.default.provider Default script file copier plugin.
service.NodeExecutor.default.provider Default node executor plugin.
resources.source.N... Defines a Resource model source see Resource Model Sources.
project.globals.X Defines a Project Global variable

Here's an example that configures a File source:


Another that configures a URL source:


And one that configures a Directory source:


Additional sources increment the source number. You can reference the project name by using the ${project.name} context variable.

# File copier destination directory

When executing a Script step, the destination file path to be used when copying the script can be set using Node, Project, or Framework configuration values. Please see the plugin documentation

# Project Global execution variables

Project configuration entries of the form project.globals.X=Y Adds a variable X available in all execution contexts as ${globals.X}, and overrides any global with the same name defined in framework.properties.

# jaas-loginmodule.conf

JAAS configuration for the Rundeck server. The listing below shows the file content for a normal RPM installation. One can see it specifies the use of the PropertyFileLoginModule:

RDpropertyfilelogin {
  org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jaas.spi.PropertyFileLoginModule required

# realm.properties

Property file user directory when PropertyFileLoginModule is used. Specified from jaas-loginmodule.conf.

# Session timeout

See rundeck-config.properties > Server Settings

Or set server.session.timeout via System Properties Configuration.

# rundeck-config.properties

This is the primary Rundeck webapp configuration file. Defines default loglevel, datasource configuration, and GUI customization.

The following sections describe configuration values for this file.

# Security

  • rundeck.security.useHMacRequestTokens : true/false. Default: true. Switches between HMac based request tokens, and the default grails UUID tokens. HMac tokens have a timeout, which may cause submitted forms or actions to fail with a message like "Token has expired". If set to false, UUIDs will be used instead of HMac tokens, and they have no timeouts. The default timeout for tokens can be changed with the java system property -Dorg.rundeck.web.infosec.HMacSynchronizerTokensHolder.DEFAULT_DURATION=[timeout in ms].

  • rundeck.security.apiCookieAccess.enabled: true/false. Default: true. Determines whether access to the API is allowed if the API client authenticates via session cookies (i.e. username and password login.) If set to false, the current CLI tools and API libraries will not operate correctly if they use username and password login.

  • rundeck.api.tokens.duration.max: Duration string indicating maximum lifetime of API Tokens. If unset, the value will be "30d" (30 days). Format: "##{ydhms}" (years, days, hours, minutes, seconds). If you want to disable the max expiration you can set it to 0 and create token with 0 duration that don't expire.

  • rundeck.security.csrf.referer.filterMethod:NONE|POST|*. Set HTTP Method to filter based on Referer header. Can be POST, or "*" for all methods. Default: NONE (disabled)

  • rundeck.security.csrf.referer.allowApi: true|false. Allow /api/* requests without requiring matching Referer header. Default: true.

  • rundeck.security.csrf.referer.requireHttps: true|false. If server URL is HTTPS, Require referer header to be from HTTPS version of server URL, if false allow HTTP as well. Default: true.

  • rundeck.security.enforceMaxSessions: true|false. Only allow users to log in a configured number of times. Oldest sessions are automatically logged out. Default: false.

    Note: If you use the rd tool with the RD_USERNAME/RD_PASSWORD authentication this will use an active session each time your run the command. If you log into the user interface then execute rd commands you could be logged out of your web session. If you have multiple long running rd commands and you exceed the maxSessions limit, you may experience unexpected behavior. If you use api tokens with the rd tool it will not log out your interactive session. If you enable this setting and also use the rd tool, it is recommended that you use api tokens with the rd tool.

  • rundeck.security.maxSessions: If enforceMaxSessions is true, this setting controls the number of active sessions a user is allowed to have. Default: 1

  • rundeck.security.jaasRolePrefix: Prefix string to add to each role determined via JAAS Authentication. Default: none.

  • rundeck.security.requiredRole: roleName. If this property is set, all users must be a member of the role specified.

# Security HTTP Headers

Rundeck adds some HTTP headers for XSS prevention and other security reasons, as described below.

By default, these headers are enabled, but they can be individually disabled, or reconfigured.

Additionally, custom headers can be enabled if required.

# enable security headers filter to add these headers (default: true)

# enable x-content-type-options: nosniff  (default: true)

# enable x-xss-protection: 1  (default: true)


# Alternates for x-xss-protection:
# use x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.xxssp.config.block=true

# use x-xss-protection: 1; report=https://some-uri

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.xxssp.config.report=https://some-uri

# enable x-frame-options: deny  (default: true)


# Alternate settings for x-frame-options:
# use x-frame-options: sameorigin

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.xfo.config.sameorigin=true

# use x-frame-options: allow-from: src

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.xfo.config.allowFrom=src

# enable Content-Security-Policy header (default:true)


# You can enable the `X-` variants of Content-Security-Policy if desired, but they are disabled by default:
# This enables the X-Content-Security-Policy header name

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.include-xcsp-header=true

# This enables the X-WebKit-CSP header name

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.include-xwkcsp-header=true

# You can specify an explicit policy, which will override directives declared below

# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.policy=default-src 'none'; connect-src 'self' ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; font-src 'self' data: ; img-src 'self' https://media.rundeck.org ; form-action 'self' ;

# Or you can specify individual directives:

rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.style-src=self unsafe-inline
rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.script-src=self unsafe-inline unsafe-eval
rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.font-src=self data:
rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.csp.config.img-src=self https://media.rundeck.org

# enable any custom additional headers (default: false)
# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.custom.enabled=true
# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.custom.config.name=X-Other-Security-Policy
# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.custom.config.value=default-src 'none';
# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.custom.config.name2=X-other-header
# rundeck.security.httpHeaders.provider.custom.config.value2=some value


# Local Login Form Visibility

  • rundeck.login.localLogin.enabled:true/false. Default true

If you have Single Sign On enabled(Enterprise only) and you want to prevent the ability for your users to login with the non-SSO form, you can set this property to false and it will suppress the non-SSO login form.

# Logout behaviors

  • rundeck.logout.expire.cookies: comma separated list of cookie names to expire on logout

  • rundeck.logout.redirect.url: Redirect to this url after logout. This can either be a fully qualified url or a relative path.

# Server Settings

  • server.session.timeout: timeout in seconds.

Note: This setting applies only to the embedded Jetty server, which is used for standalone war launcher, rpm or deb installs. It does not work for Tomcat installation.

If you are deploying the Rundeck war file to Tomcat, you can manage the session timeout setting in the $TomcatBase/conf/web.xml file. The setting is in minutes.

    <session-config> <session-timeout>30</session-timeout> </session-config>

# Execution Mode

  • rundeck.executionMode:active/passive. Default active. Set the Execution Mode for the Rundeck server.

Rundeck can be in active or passive execution mode.

  • active mode: Jobs, scheduled Jobs, and adhoc executions can be run.
  • passive mode: No Jobs or adhoc executions can be run.

Setting Rundeck to passive mode prevents users from running anything on the system and is useful when managing Rundeck server clusters.

# Project Configuration Storage settings

The Project Setup - Project Definitions mechanism is configured within this file, see:

# Key Storage settings

The Key storage mechanism is configured within this file, see:

# Notification email settings

See Email Settings: Notification email settings

# Custom Email Templates

See Email Settings: Custom Email Templates

# Execution finalize retry settings

If a sporadic DB connection failure happens when an execution finishes, Rundeck may fail to update the state of the execution in the database, causing the execution to appear is if it is still "running".

Rundeck now attempts to retry the update to correctly register the final state of the execution. You can tune how many times and how often this retry occurs with these config values:

# attempt to retry the final state update

# attempt to retry updating job statistics after execution finishes

Delay is in milliseconds. If a max is set to -1, then retries will happen indefinitely.

# Metrics Capturing

Rundeck captures metrics using the Metrics library.

You can disable all metrics capturing with:


Additional configuration for metrics:

# capture metrics for requests via a filter

# use JMX

# Metrics API Endpoints

Rundeck exposes Metrics data via API endpoints, which are enabled by default.

You can disable all metrics API endpoints with:


You can also selectively disable each endpoing by setting these config values:


Metrics names are:

  • metrics
  • threads
  • ping
  • healthcheck

See: API > List Metrics.

# Pagination defaults

Default paging size for the Activity page and results from execution API queries can be changed.


# Job Remote Option URL connection parameters

Change the defaults for for Job Remote Option Value URLs loading.

Socket read timeout

Max wait time reading from socket.

Default value: 10 (seconds)

Change this by setting:


Connection timeout

Max wait time attempting to make the connection.

Default value: (no timeout)

Change this by setting:


No response retry

If the request is sent, but the server disconnects without a response (e.g. server is overloaded), retry the request this many times.

Default value: 3

Change this by setting:


# Job File Option Uploads

Values to configure file uploads for File type Job options:

Max temp file size. File size in bytes or with a suffix of k,m,g,t (kilo,mega,giga,tera).


Max temp file expiration (duration in milliseconds). The uploaded file will be removed if not used as a job option within ths time period. (This primarily affects Job executions performed via API because the File Upload and Job Run are performed as separate steps.)

# default is 10 minutes

# Node Cache

Defaults for the Node caches

Enabled: true/false (default true).
rundeck.nodeService.nodeCache.enabled=true If set to false, no caching is performed.
First Load Asynch: true/false
rundeck.nodeService.nodeCache.firstLoadAsynch=false The default for whether the first load of a project's nodes should be performed synchronously or not. If set to true, and the Project Nodes > Synchronous First Load value is unset, then the initial load of a Project's nodes when the cache is empty will be done in the background asynchronously. Otherwise the initial load is done synchronously, possibly causing a delay at Rundeck startup or Job execution startup. A Project level configuration value will override this default.

# Groovy config format

You can change you rundeck-config.properties to a rundeck-config.groovy.

The groovy format is a java-like language, and it is not the same as properties.

Make sure you put quotes around all string values, but it is not necessary for true/false or numbers.

java properties format:


groovy format:


You can also use nested values using curly brackets, or use dot-notation "a.b.c", but since it is not simple text properties, strings have to be quoted.

E.g. : a.b.c="blah" is the same as:


# Specify config file location

You will need to point rundeck at the new filename when you start up rundeck:

  • Launcher:

      java -jar -Drundeck.config.name=rundeck-config.groovy rundeck-launcher.jar

RPM: Add this to the /etc/sysconfig/rundeckd file:

    export RDECK_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/rundeck/rundeck-config.groovy"

RPM/DEB: Add this to the /etc/default/rundeckd file:

    export RDECK_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/rundeck/rundeck-config.groovy"